New batch of about 300 yatris leave base camps for Holy cave

SRINAGAR : Undettered by cloudy weather and intermittent rains, a new batch of about 300 pilgrims left Baltal and Nunwan Pahalgam base camps for the Holy Amarnath cave shrine in south Kashmir Himalayas, where more than 3.50 lakh had paid obeisance since the commencement of the annual yatra from June 28.
The yatra was going on smoothly though the number of pilgrims had dropped considerably during the past more than a week.
The Uttarakhand tragedy coupled with strict measures taken by the Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) this time, deciding not to allow any unregistered yatri besides below the age of 13 years and above 75 years and pregnant women, had impact on the number of pilgrims.
Against more than 6.30 lakh pilgrims paying obeisance last year, the number could not even touch 4 lakh this time.
However, the measures taken by the SASB has helped to check the death of pilgrims this year. Against 120 deaths recorded last year, the number of yatris, who breathened their last, was just 13, mainly due to health problems.
A yatra official said that 120 pilgrims, including sadhus and women, left Nunwan Pahalgam base camps early this despite cloudy weather for the Holy cave. However, the yatris will have night halt at Chandanwarik the last motorable halting station on the traditional track.
But sadhus and some yatris had to cover the 16-km-long distance from Pahalgam to Chandanwari on foot to earn more blessing of Lord Shiva and Maa parvati.
He said the pilgrims, who had night halt at different other halting stations on the track also started their onward journey early this morning.
About 180 pilgrims left Baltal base camp for the Holy cave despite cloudy sky and intermittent rains.
He said the yatris, who had night halt near the shrine after paying obeisance, also started their return journey to Baltal base camps this morning.