inner voice

                           SUNDAY, august  11, 2013


God, parents and the teacher
always are the objects of prayer.
Parents are first and just our own
they make us able to get things known.
Give us birth, develop, and make us worth
to live gracefully on mother earth.
Make us understand our surroundings
guide us in all initial findings.
They lead us to find a good teacher
to know our selves and the nature.
Parents are always super for children
they face good or bad for their children.
They starve or eat laugh or weep for children
they give there all for sake of children.
They aware them for right and wrong
do all to make them strong.
They find their childhood in children
do that was denied to them in their turn.
Yester parents where dependent but self relevant
now parents are independent but child relevant.
Yester parents made children to serve them
now parents make children to abandon them.
They where home centered in united family
now are self centered in divided family.
They where traditional and God loving
now are optional and passion loving.
That was a simple living and high thinking
now it is show living and stupid thinking.
They lived for togetherness always
now it is to get rid of any ways.
They where religious healthy and sound
now are liberal and material bound.
They were hopeful to look after when old
now they know that children are job sold.
They coexisted to share love and pain
now such links are of no gain.
They were able to perform due rites
now dying eyes are in search of children’s sights.
Parents are our blood and body
to disown them in any way is too shabby.
G. L. NEHRU (Girdhar)

When the time will come?
I wonder whether a day will come,
When we’ll be treated equally…
Without any discrimination?
When we’ll not be forced to live inside four walls?
When we’ll not be burdened with hollow morals?
When we’ll be bold enough to stop violence against us?
When we ‘ll treated as a human with beating heart,
Not an antique to be possessed?
O God….
Please tell,
When the time will come,
when  I’ll be crushed,….
All will consider me
As a victim
Tag me as a criminal?
Shifali sharma
GGHSS, Rehari

  I did not die
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a 1,000 winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sun on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When  you awaken in the morning’s hush.
I am the swift uplifting rush.
Of quiet birds up circles light.
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there; I did not die.
Rahul Sharma
Panjtirthi, Jammu
Road of my destiny..
This is  the road of my destiny….
The world is my country,
And India is my home,
Humanity is my religion,
Equality and fraternity is my faith,
Justice and equity is my goal,
And rebellion is my way,
Truth is my strength
Peace is my lasting passion
This is the road of my destiny

Lokesh Dhar
MIET Jammu/ Jammu University