Diplomacy or Conspiracy Tragic twists in Indo-Pak ties

 Col J P Singh, Retd

Tragic news of killing of 5 soldiers of Cheetah outpost of Sarla Defences in Poonch Sector on 6 August 2013 by Pak raiders shocked me unbearably, firstly,  because 4 martyrs are from my regiment and secondly  because I have been Post  Commander at Cheetah for long during 1971-1973. My Battalion  relieved  a Gorkha Battalion at Sarla soon after  the war during realignment of new LOC defences.  My Battalion made new posts including one underground, as near the LOC as possible for area domination.  While making  the underground post ahead of Chakan – Di – Bagh, one of our Sepoy was hit by a MMG burst at night. He instantaneously jumped into the trench. The bullets pierced through his Bayonet and Scabbard and filled rifle magazines  in his pouches  leaving him miraculously unscathed.  The damaged bayonet and magazine are proud mementoes in out armoury.  In 1972, ‘Cheetah’, the left flanking post of the neighboring battalion was included in our Area of Responsibility. That put Cheetah under Sarla. My Platoon was deployed at Cheetah Post where  I remained Post Commander till we handed it over to relieving  battalion of my regiment in Dec 1973.
I must state here for the readers that never ever Pak soldiers dare to cross LOC or pelt a stone at us, leave aside firing,  and if they ever did, they were replied with a fatal automatic burst and the threat that we will create Bangladesh if provoked. Not that we did not have casualties at Sarla but we inflicted many times more and taught them how to respect the LOC.  I don’t understand how this raid / ambush, after the one near Mendhar in January,  where two of our soldiers were beheaded, has happened in the same sector.  Certain questions come to my mind.  Are we willing recipients of such attacks?  Are our soldiers sacrificial goats? Are we not a professional army? Is military leadership giving up?  Have we not learnt  lessons from Mendhar,  Srilanka, Kashmir and the past military history? I see turning of tides. What our army did in seventies, they seem to be doing today with impunity. Either our tactical SOPs are faulty or our soldiers are under strict orders to observe ceasefire or else they are untrained. Either way it demoralizes the army and puts question marks on the military leadership. My 2nd tenure with the Battalion in Bhimber Gali Sector from 1982 to 1985 as Company Commander at Tarkundi Gali was as remarkable as in Poonch where we had unquestioned initiative.  Battalion got  4 Sena Medals, 2 VSMs  and 8 Commendation Cards on the  LOC. To the best of my knowledge and belief there was no such incident  in my 6 years of LOC tenure. But now a days cross LOC incidents are common occurrences. In 2012 there  were  50 incidents of such encounters whereas  in 2013 such incidents are 17. In 2012 we had  15 killed and 61 injured.  Till 06 August this year we have lost 40 men and  30 have been injured. These are the official figures of the central govt suggesting that in the last two years such incidents are on the rise.
Hearing of this tragic incident I spoke to my  CO during 1971 war at Poonch, now  Brig (retd) M S Sawhney, under whom I  served at Cheetah Post.  I have seen him walking along the LOC in broad day light, visiting forward posts at night to see the alertness  and firing MMG at enemy posts.  While we discussed all possibilities of the tragic encounter, one thing came out clear that our initiative seems to have been curtailed as a result we are the sufferer. Second violation of the LOC in the same sector in seven months suggests something drastically amiss in our preparation and reactions. Our vigilance and  reactions on the LOC seems to be  losing sight of military doctrines. But the fact that the infiltrators could not behead the martyrs as per their mandate and modus operandi  means that neighboring posts and patrols had instantaneously opened up pinning them down and scaring them away. Evacuation of the  wounded soldier also suggests timely action. Unchallenged 20 – 25 infiltrators could have resorted to dastardly mutilations at will and brought us unacceptable humiliation.
Sarla is very high, broad and dominating  feature overlooking the Rawlakot area and their land route from Rawlakot to Durandi and Bandigopalpur. We can threaten Pak vehicular movement on Rawalakot route if we wish to.  But we respect the ceasefire and understand the sanctity of LOC which Pakistan does not. It may be recalled that trade between India and Pakistan passes through Chakan – Di – Bagh protected by Cheetah Post on its North. If Chakan – Di – Bagh, the hub on Poonch – Rawalakot trade route is threatened, it is a great cause of concern.  It gives the impression that Pakistan is not interested in the promotion of bilateral trade.  If Pak Army and their non state actors violate LOC and ceasefire every now and then,  how can India  negotiate peace and friendship with Pakistan. This is a great puzzle before the govt and a hysterical mystery before the nation.
While the nation was mourning the death of brave hearts and watching wreath laying ceremony on their mortal remains and opposition  was demanding discussion in the Parliament,  govt hastened to  introduced the food security bill. This move  is suspect of intentions,  allegedly done to change the discourse of ongoing debate on Pak treachery. It shows that the govt is non serious on the issue of LOC and LAC violations.  Hope the Parliament still discusses this tragic breach of LOC seriously and passes such a resolution which gives freedom of action to the military commanders on the spot. The alternatives are plenty.  They are (i)  retaliation, (ii)  strong protests, (iii) internationalization of the incident, (iv) attacking training camps, (v) strengthening defences on the LOC, (vi) training and equipping troops on the LOC, (vii) talking to Pak Army & ISI chiefs, (viii)get POK vacated  and (ix) have Pakistan declared as terrorist state. Next round of dialogue, if accepted, should be conditional and calling Spade a Spade.
Nawaz Sharif  talked a lot about friendship with India during his electioneering.  He extended his hand of friendship with adequate warmth after winning the election which invoked the spirit of his last tenure despite Kargil misadventure. He is talking about resumption of dialogue and normalization of relations. Unfortunately  the past history has a different story to tell. It says that past optimisms in bilateral ties with Pakistan were always short lived and often disastrous.  Kargil ingress after Lahore Declaration, 26 / 11 after Sharm-el- Sheikh declaration  and beheading the  Indian soldiers, violations of LOC and firing  after ceasefire declaration  are stark realities. The lessons of past are bitter and fresh  in Indian memory. Having become Prime Minister third time and knowing  that terrorists organizations have their bases in POK for perpetrating terrorism on Indian soil, he has done  nothing to stop such acts. Composite dialogue stands snapped since beheading of Indian soldiers and our Prime Minister’s this declaration  “business with Pakistan cannot be as usual”. The argument was that engagement cannot continue when the neighbor continues to be ruthlessly belligerent. We are no where near resumption of talks as of now. Memories of premier Vajpayee’s  February 1999 Lahore bus journey to promote good neighborly relations is still fresh in Indian mind. It had the potential of changing the course of history. But the agenda was hijacked by their Army Chief Gen Parvez Musharraf who perpetrated  Kargil. The golden opportunity turned out to be an irreparable tragedy  which we can’t forget for long.   Trusting Nawaz Sharief without assurances from Gen Kayani would be a mistake and reposing faith in dialogue process will be a tragedy like Lahore Declaration.   Howsoever sincerely Nawaz Sharif may wish to improve relations with India, the army will not allow it. He will not be allowed to interfere in the functioning of security forces and ISI. He is at the mercy of Army, ISI and  Judiciary for  his 5 years term.  Hence a tight rope walk for Nawaz Sharief in the conduct of his domestic and foreign policy and a diplomatic nightmare for India to live in peace with the neighbour.