Evan Michael and the child of carnage

Evan Enon Massey
Evan , the king of the Golden city, was living his usual life at his castle . Life was going about as normal and Evan was happy because he had just defeated Sir Chalke the evil Knight and was living a peaceful life . But he didn’t know how badly his peaceful life would get disrupted.
He was attending to the problems of the people when he got a letter that someone was stealing all the crops in the city. He sent his best men to find the thief but they weren’t able to find the thief .Then,all of a sudden , precious stones like diamonds ,rubies and emeralds were stolen from all over. It was like they just vanished into thin air.
Security systems made of magic could only detect the gems just vanishing but where? Nobody knows .Then clothes got stolen, Then people got kidnapped and so on. Evan went to a wise saint and the saint said that a boy named Jacob Miller , who also called himself child of carnage, was the only one capable of doing all this . Unfortunately, the saint could not tell him the location of this child since Jacob kept moving from one place to another. However, he does tell him that this child plans on taking over the whole world with all the resources he is stealing which makes him and his cult stronger and his opponents weaker. The only way to defeat him is by getting the stone of abundance. As soon as he got to know about this stone he immediately set off on his quest taking Ben and Natasha along with him. He left his chief general Gunther in charge . Gunther was a burly man with a lot of strength and an even stronger mind. Evan thought the city would be in good hands. He left for the quest but before that they had to get a map to the stone which would be very difficult to obtain as it was in the possession of a terrible gogmagog. He and his companions went to get the map at the top of dark peak which was not a fitting name because it was lush and fully green and there were every kind of plant from around the world. Finally they reached the cave of the guardian but the guardian himself wasn’t in sight.
So , they went inside the cave where they saw many trophies taken from defeated people who had tried to steal the map. There were bent swords, dented shields and there were even some skulls . Then they saw the map and with it the guardian. Its guardian was twelve metre tall . He had huge arms the size of a fully grown banyan tree and feet the size of cars , he had only one eye and held a club in his hand. He seemed to be fast asleep but the moment they moved a step he woke and roared in challenge as if asking who had woken him up. The monster looked angry but he spoke in a calm tone. He said ,“I am Antoneus , the guardian of the map and if you don’t want to die then leave now but if you try to steal the map then you shall die.” . The three knew that the monster could kill them but they also knew that without that map they would not be able to get the stone so they charged. The battle was so explosive it caused tremors in the earth. Antoneus struck his club downward at Evan but he was able to block the attack , the clash of the spear and the club was so big that the closest rocks broke into pieces . The monster knew that Evan was strong and so he shifted his attention to Natasha . Since she only had a bow Antoneus struck and Natasha’s bow was destroyed and the impact broke her leg since she tried to jump out of the way. Then Evan was filled with an adrenaline rush and he struck with so much force that he broke the club and Antoneus was now bare handed but he was still very dangerous. Antoneus tried to crush Evan but he climbed onto his hand and then Evan jumped and turned his sword into a spear and pierced the monster’s heart. He fell with a thud . Now, they took the map and tried to mend Natasha ‘s leg . Ben, being a wizard , whipped up a potion that fixed Natasha’s leg in a minute. They were very tired so they rested at Antoneus’ cave.
After a few hours of sleep they left for peril mountain from where no one who had gone there had ever come back alive. They had barely started when they faced their first challenge at the dark haven , where lived a pirate named Alastor and his crew and defeating was difficult. They weren’t as stupid as any monster and didn’t get angered quickly but were very strong with swords and weapons.But in this battle , Evan used wits rather than strength and told them that he and his friends were surrendering but the moment they came close the trio brought out their weapons and managed to defeat them but it was a tough battle . Finally , they reached out of the forest to face an army of griffins . The three friends turned back to back as they had been doing for years and faced the monsters head on. Evan brought out his coin and turned it into a sword and sliced through three griffins with one strike and then turned his coin into a spear and pierced two more griffins. Meanwhile Ben was slashing and cutting through griffins like they were made of paper and Natasha was launching volley after volley of arrows. Finally the monsters were killed and they continued their journey .Soon they reached the top of peril mountain where they faced the dark count Zarzec and he used his dark magic and his army of the undead. They faced the whole army and destroyed monsters and finally every monster except their leader was killed. The count thought it was finally time to kill the trio. Then he used his dark magic and made a sword out of the dark void of a black hole.
Then the count said ,” Hello Evan , I have heard of you, the one who defeated Sir Chalke. I challenge you to duel !” . Evan accepted the challenge . Then they got the stone of abundance. When the trio returned to the kingdom, they realized that the city had been taken by Jacob. Evan was very angry that the Golden city had been captured. But he knew he couldn’t fight against Jacob if he didn’t master the uses of the stone .So he lay low with his comrades and mastered the stone’s power. After a week of practice he was able to control the stone to its full extent and then he challenged Jacob to single combat . The battle was fierce as Jacob had the power of darkness and scarcity whereas Evan had the stone of abundance and as both the powers were opposites, one canceled out the other but this battle was one for the books . Evan was able to overpower Jacob. He had Jacob on to his knees with a sword barely a centimeter away from his chest but Evan didn’t kill . He said,” Even though you have done a lot of evil you are allowed a chance to relent . Do you now know the errors of your ways?” To which Jacob replied , ” Yes , I now understand the wrongdoings and crimes I have committed. “. And with that Evan allowed him to be released only if he changed his ways. After this, Evan returned to his throne and helped in the rebuilding of the city.
Everything was good now. There was peace in the Golden city.