Omar, blames political patries for trying to create 2008 situation

SRINAGAR :  Making a humble appeal to people to maintain peace and centuries old communal harmony in Jammu and Kashmir, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said some political parties are trying to create 2008 situation with an eye on Parliament and Assembly elections due in 2014.
“I want to make an appeal to people directly through media that some political parties wanted to use the unfortunate Eid incident at Kishtwar for their political interests with an eye on general Parliament and Assembly elections,” Mr Abdullah told reports at a press conference here today.
He said he remained in contact with the leader of  opposition in the parliament Sushma Suraj through twitter yesterday on the situation and sought her support to defuse the tension in the state.
“I requested her to direct the BJP supporters to maintain peace and help in restoration of normalcy in the state,” the chief minister said.
“Don’t fall prey to rumours as some people have vested interests or out to spread false and baseless remorse to disturb the centuries old communal harmony in the state, he appealed to people. He said some political parties wanted repeat of 2008 situation, which brought only death and destruction in the state.
He said, “We had an impression that state police and central paramilitary forces will control the situation at Kishtwar. But, he said the security personnel were, however, out numbered by protesters and we had to request Army for assistance to bring back to normalcy.”
The Chief minister said the Army accepted our request and troops deployed and flag march conducted in the affected areas, where situation was brought under control within few hours.”
However, in some border areas the situation become tense mainly due to remorse, he said.” that adding additional security forces were rushed to maintain peace.
He said the government is now concentrating in other areas of the state to prevent any disturbance.