People will never forget BJP’s failure to protect their interests: Mir

Excelsior Correspondent

REASI, Feb 13: Continuing membership drive in district Reasi today, JKPCC president Ghulam Ahmad Mir along with working president Raman Bhalla claimed that people want change, as BJP has failed on all fronts of governance especially unchecked price rise, record unemployment besides other anti- employees, anti-trade, anti-poor politics.
Mir further said  that people of all sections have turned against BJP, that is why elections are being delayed fear of loosing elections. Congress party stands for change and people will throw out BJP in next assembly elections, he claimed and said that party will go to the people with new slogan of “Aayo Chalein Congress Ke Saath, Badlein Pradesh Ke Halaat”. Earlier, there were 9.5 lakh primary members in last elections but this time minimum 12 lakh primary members shall be enrolled in Jammu and Kashmir.
PCC chief said that people of all sections are completely fed up with the BJP’s performance in the Govt and its anti-youth, anti- poor and anti- people policies, as there is uncontrolled price rise, record unemployment in J&K, besides anti-employees, anti- trade, anti -farmers and anti- people policies of BJP.  He said that Congress has been on fore front to oppose the anti- people policies being imposed on the people through back door by the bureaucrats Govt, as there is no elected Govt  in J&K for  three and half years, now the people of different sections are being forced to swallow the bitter pills, as they have no representation or forum to raise their voice against the anti-people policies of the BJP through bureaucratic system.
Having failed to give employment to a large number of percentage of educated unemployed youth, the Centre Govt  and UT administration is beating about the bush and finding faults in the past Govts. Stating that BJP has “cheated” people of Jammu region, Mir accused the Union Government of reducing status of people of the region to “fourth class citizens” even when they voted the party to power in Assembly and Parliamentary polls.
“The honour of people of Jammu has been compromised and downgraded by the leaders who claimed to be the champion of their cause in the region. BJP climbed political ladder raising voice against discrimination with people of this region. They ended up doing same disparity with the people who voted them to power to rule the country,” said Mir.
Speaking on the occasion, Bhalla reminded that Congress initiated big infrastructure projects in all the three regions of erstwhile  state. You see Hospitals, road connectivity, schools, Degree Colleges, University campuses, Medical Colleges, widening of Jammu-Srinagar national highway, numerous drinking water supply schemes, power supply to all almost every village and remote belt of the state. It is not BJP but tireless efforts of Congress party that the people of the State are on the path of development and prosperity.
Lashing out at BJP for its divisive politics, Bhalla said that “political parties like BJP, who have nothing to offer to the people and have done nothing for the welfare of the State, just fall back upon religion and caste lines to muster support to grab power. He said that BJP has nothing to offer to the people of Jammu and Kashmir except divert their attention through their divisive & diversionary mode of politics and asked the people to reject BJP and the opportunistic forces dancing to the tune of BJP for the sake of individual favour or lust of power.
Senior leaders Rajneesh Sharma, Suresh Dogra, Pranav Shagotra, Amrish Mangotra,   Vijay Sharma, Ayaz Hussain, Surinder Sharma, Ajay Salalia, Madan Dogra, Pritam Singh, Munshi Ram Salalia were also present.