‘New delimitation draft proposal to create political equality in 2 regions’

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Feb 13: “Looking at Delimitation proposals through myopic lenses is divisive. It is shameful to see the advocates of regional discrimination continuing with the rhetoric of communal exploitation for petty political interests,” said BJP spokesperson Dr Drakhshan Andrabi.
“This is a positive proposal to usher a new era of political equality between two regions of the same unit called J&K,” said Dr Andrabi while addressing a Press Conference at Anantnag. She was accompanied by Party Incharge South Kashmir Veer Saraf, District president Anantnag Syed Wajahat Qadiri, District president Kulgam Aabid Hussain Khan and District president Pulwama, Sajjad Raina.
Andrabi referred to the draft proposal of Delimitation Commission and spoke about its significance in framing a new political order in J&K. She said that those who spoke about regional equality in political rallies for decades never allowed this to happen. “For all types of co-existence including political co-existence, we need to assure and implement equal democratic representation within a political unit. This draft proposal of Delimitation Commission is to rectify regional democratic imbalance within J&K. Those who are hell bent upon dividing people on communal grounds on this issue are going to lose this battle of divide-and-rule,” Andrabi asserted.
BJP National Executive Member lauded the Commission for addressing the aspirations of the politically marginalized areas and also proposing political reservations to the Scheduled Tribes and casts in the Union Territory. “On rotational grounds, we need to reserve seats for women and I am hopeful that the Commission will take note of this proposal of BJP too. We are receiving regular feedback from people and new suggestions are propping up which we are going to share with the Commission for consideration.
“Exploiters in the garb of politicians are pointing fingers at the working of the Commission and blaming BJP for influencing the working of the empowered independent body. I want to tell them that the Delimitation Commission is an independent Constitutional body headed by a former Supreme Court Judge. It is disgusting to level charges on the working of a constitutional body which is condemnable,” Dr Darakhshan added.