Anjana to organise 5-day Externship program in Mountain Village Chilla

Anjana is a charitable trust whose main objective is to work for overall development and upliftment of far-flung and inaccessible rural areas across the world by providing education, creating employment opportunities and improving rural infrastructure. Anjana follows village adoption model, and is currently based in village Chilla, Nathatop, Jammu.
There are a number of problems that our nation faces today. 80% of India lives in its villages, naturally, a large number of these problems are related to rural sections of the society. Team Anjana is organising an externship training programme where the core objective would be to facilitate rural development and uplift its population via targeted initiatives and activities undertaken by university/college students under the supervision of Harman Anand (Founder & Chairman, ANJANA), Pranav Bandral (Founding Director, Anjana) and Anmol Ohri (Journalist, Founding Director, CLIMATE FRONT FOUNDATION).
This opportunity is ideal for the young generation of our society; exposure to harsh realities and struggle, being in the centre of problems, intellectual contribution to the community are things that strengthen individual personalities and nourish societies.
The programme is arranged to begin on 15th February, 2021 for Batch 1 in Chilla.
The entire schedule is divided into 3 Phases- Education, Health and Employment. Each phase comprises of different activities and projects targeting problems in that particular phase. The programme expects the externs to organise workshops, conduct surveys, interact with locals and understand various issues and most importantly, come up with innovative and original ideas.
This externship is a training program for anyone (especially students) to share as well as enhance their skills and experience by empowering population in rural areas. All interested people can send their requests/queries to Team Anjana via Email ( or social media (Instagram/facebook- @anjanamemoirs)
As residents of a small city, we often miss out on certain events. Internships, exchange programs, and fundraisers are some things we usually associate with metro cities. Team Anjana aims to bridge the gap between the two. The externship program would be a break from the monotonous routine for students who unfortunately spent their crucial learning years at home. This opportunity is ideal for the young generation of Jammu; exposure to harsh realities and struggle, being in the centre of problems, intellectual contribution to the community are things that strengthen individual personalities and nourish societies. ‘Anjana’ believes social externships are revolutionary in bringing holistic evolution.