Actor Amitt Singh, who had earlier featured in Hindi film ‘Mission Mangal’ and MX Player webseries ‘Bhaukaal’, is back to television with his new project ‘Ziddi Dil Maane Na’. In an exclusive chat with Souvik Ghosh, Singh, a popular face on the small screen, shares how he is aiming to shape up his future acting career.
Tell us about your character in ‘Ziddi Dil Maane Na’.
The character that I am playing is that of Dr Aneesh Malhotra … an old friend and colleague of Monami. He is the polar opposite of Karan …a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, a charmer with an easy-going attitude.
You have worked in a number of daily soaps. How has the pandemic changed the small screen industry?
In the first wave, the work was completely stopped. In the second wave, I was working in a bio-secure bubble in an isolated resort in Silvassa. Pandemic has taught us, no matter what a show must go on. We follow all the necessary precautions during the shoot.
How does your stint in the film industry enrich you as an actor?
I feel learning is an ongoing process. You are never fully prepared. I have read multiple books on acting and have done many workshops, but on-set experience and learnings are very important to enrich you as an actor. Understanding your co-actors’ space is important too. I seek to learn from everyone and everything around me.
Being a regular television actor, how do you choose scripts when offered in the film industry? Do you try to avoid the shades of characters you have already played on TV?
Definitely, I would prefer exploring different characters. Most of the TV show’s concepts are almost similar, still, I try not to repeat the type of characters I played earlier. I think an actor’s biggest strength is his/her versatility.
What kind of roles are you now looking for in both television, films and OTT?
I have already been a part of projects with different genres, like horror, action, crime drama etc. but I haven’t got a chance to explore rom-coms. I’m looking for such opportunities. (TWF)