Let peace prevail

The past few days’ communal clashes in Kishtwar have saddened the hearts of all right thinking people. Who else except those who hope to gain politically from such unfortunate strife can rest contended and not feels guilty of betrayal of public welfare.  No one desires that the peace be disturbed, work is struck and curfew clamped. This is what has happened throughout Jammu region as an aftermath of the violence in Kishtwar.
What the State and Central governments might have wanted to avoid has in fact taken place. General elections 2014 are just around the corner. Has the Opposition made any gains by Arun Jaitley – R P Singh’s attempt to reach Kishtwar? It seems they have.
What would have happened if the twosome were allowed to proceed to Kishtwar? One guess is that neither the majority nor the minority would have listened to them. Yet these are the ways Governments act.
Demand has been made for Governor’s rule in the state. But that presently is not the solution as it might increase Official intervention in the public life. More over major part of the state has remained peaceful although as precaution curfew has been clamped in parts of Jammu region.
Curfew has remained in force in eight districts of Jammu; it may remain that way till the Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August. Life for a common man has gone out of gear. Still they are cooperating because no one wants the violence to break out once again. Peace is a pre-condition for a healthy growth of trade and commerce, education and social activities. Let us hope that the hot tempers of over enthusiastic elements shall subside now and normality restored.
Yours etc…..
O P Modi
on e-mail