Purified water for passengers

Refer news item ‘Passenger coaches to have water purifiers’ DE Aug 12.
The decision of the Indian Railways to install water-purifiers in coaches will go a long in providing improved passenger amenities to railway  travellers in the country. At present, people buy bottled water from vendors and hawkers at exorbitant rates while travelling. The passengers are made to do so because there is no drinking water available in trains. The water is available only at the Stations only that too not in sufficient quantity. Besides, one does not know whether this water is fit for human consumption though the words ‘Drinking Water’ are written on the water outlet. Most of the passengers hesitate to use it as drinking water and instead prefer to buy bottled water. The people have been pressing for improving cleanliness standard in the trains, but indifference on the part of concerned department has not made any difference so far.
Now when the Railways has launched its ambitious programme of providing purified water, let us hope that it proves successful.
Yours etc…..
Sumit Sharma
Hiranagar Kathua