BJP launches website to gather info for ‘charge sheet’ against UPA

NEW DELHI, Aug 14:  The BJP today launched a website to collect information and feedback from the people to prepare a ‘charge sheet’ against the Congress-led UPA Government.

The theme of the  website will be “dark decade of UPA’s malgovernance”.

Addressing a news conference, BJP’s Deputy Leader in the Lok Sabha Gopinath Munde told reporters that the party’s recently formed ‘Charge sheet Committee’ has launched a nationwide campaign to collect information from the people to prepare the ‘charge sheet’ against the Congress Government.

He said two meetings of the committee have been held.

The BJP’s ‘Charge sheet Committee’ was formed along with 19 other sub-committees in view of the 2014 general elections.

All these committees will report to the BJP’s Central Election Campaign Committee headed by Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.

Mr Munde, who launched the website alongwith the party’s Deputy Leader in the Rajya Sabha Ravi Shankar Prasad, said through the website the people can give to the committee their suggestions and other information against the UPA.

He said the ‘charge sheet’, which is likely to be prepared by the year-end, will focus on UPA’s ‘corruption’ and its  ‘failures’, price rise, Naxalism and terrorism problem, farmers suicide and other issues.

Mr Munde said the committee will visit next month Mumbai (Sept 4), Lucknow (Sept 11), Bangalore (Sept 21) and Guwahati (Sept 28) and meet different sections of the people and take their feedback.

“The party will use social media such as twitter, facebook, youtube, SMSes for the campaign. It will be the people’s charge sheet against the UPA,” he added.

“The theme of the charge sheet will be the decade of malgovernance of the UPA as ‘unsafe’ and ‘distressed’. The charge sheet will be made people centric. We are going to the field,” Mr Prasad said.

BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman said the crowd sourcing will not be limited to those people who use technology. The party will reach out to every section of the society.

The people can use tools like Facebook, Twitter, Flikr and even SMSes to give feedback and complain about the UPA.

The BJP also promised to protect the identity of people sending feedback if they want anonymity.