Security alert ahead of I-Day

Fayaz Bukhari

A security forces jawan stands in front of Bakshi Stadium as part of tightened security arrangements in Srinagar on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Amin War

SRINAGAR, Aug 14: Security in Kashmir valley has been put on high alert on the eve of Independence Day celebrations following inputs that the militants may try to strike on the occasion.
Police and paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) are heavily deployed across Kashmir and barricades have been erected on major roads where people are being frisked and vehicles searched.
The steps have been taken to foil possible attempts by the militants to cause disruptions on the eve of Independence Day celebrations.
“As a precautionary measure, security has been tightened across the region especially in Srinagar to ensure the official celebrations on August 15 conclude without any disruption at the hands of militants,” a senior police said here.
A multi tier security cover has been laid around the Bakshi Stadium, the main venue for celebrations in Srinagar where Chief Minister Omar Abdullah is scheduled to unfurl the National Flag. Policemen equipped with metal detectors and accompanied by sniffer dogs are checking vehicles for explosives and the area around the Stadium has been sealed off.
All the high rise buildings around the Stadium have been taken over by the Police and CRPF and they are keeping a tight vigil at the Stadium.
Police are closely monitoring the closed circuit television cameras in Srinagar to monitor the movement of people especially the suspects around the Bakshi Stadium. An unmanned aerial vehicle has also been launched in the sky above Srinagar to keep a strict vigil on happenings in Srinagar.
In some parts of Srinagar city and Baramulla town, Pakistani flags were hoisted on the occasion of Independence Day of Pakistan. Following the incidents of flag hoisting security was further tightened in Srinagar city.
Reports said that some masked youths accompanied by some women hoisted three Pakistani flags in Pratap Park at Lal Chowk and also raised pro Pakistani slogans. One flag was hosted near MA Road party head quarters of Congress party and another two flags were hosted on the fence of Pratap Park outside Press Enclaves.
Reports also said that few Pakistani flags were also hosted on electric poles in various areas of downtown area of old Srinagar city. However all the flags were removed by the police and CRPF.
The flags appeared hardly few meters away on MA Road where police and CRPF were busy in searching of vehicles and frisking of pedestrians.