Attempts from across border to destabilise J&K: Vohra

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Aug 14:  Governor N N Vohra today cautioned about the attempts from across the border to destabilise the State and asked security forces to remain vigilant to maintain peace and communal harmony.
“Since the beginning of this year, there have been continuing attempts at infiltration and repeated attacks on our security forces, leaving no doubt that the adversary agencies and forces across the Line of Control remain committed to their agenda of destabilising Jammu and Kashmir.
“In this scenario the security forces shall need to maintain eternal vigilance. And side by side, the State police shall need to take timely pre-emptive action to ensure that the subversive elements, who receive encouragement and support from adversary agencies, are not allowed to instigate incidents for disrupting communal harmony in any part of the State,”  Mr Vohra said in a message on the eve of Independence Day.
The Governor said the administration shall also need to take effective initiatives to ensure that societal harmony is maintained in all regions of the State.
Mr Vohra appealed to the leaders of all political, social, cultural and religious organisations, and all other segments of society to join hands and work closely together for enabling the peaceful resolution of all outstanding issues, through dialogue and discussion.
“We must also join hands to work unitedly for taking the State speedily forward on the path of progress and prosperity,” he said.
The Governor observed that Jammu and Kashmir will be able to achieve rapid human development and steady economic growth only when there is sustained peace along the LoC. He said “while looking forward to the early realisation of such a development, we must thank the Army for maintaining eternal vigil on the LoC and pay homage to the valiant officers and men who have laid down their lives for maintaining the territorial integrity of our country”.
Mr Vohra said that in the country’s march towards growth and development, the State has not so far been able to be in the vanguard because of the prolonged period of disturbances, turmoil and violence which our people have gone through. However, it is a matter for some satisfaction that, notwithstanding the continuing external support to terrorism, in the past few years the activities of terrorist networks have been progressively contained. “For this we owe gratitude to our people, J&K Police and the security forces who have made continuing sacrifices to combat terrorism,” he added.
The Governor observed that the turbulence in the past years has adversely affected the functioning of the administrative apparatus and eroded the erstwhile ethos and work culture. In this context, he said that it would be necessary to ensure the success of several initiatives, which were launched in the recent years, for Governance to regain its dynamism.
He said “the educational system in the State suffered severe damage during the period of militancy. It is gratifying to note that, notwithstanding certain continuing constraints, the educational arena has started showing vibrance. Among others, this resurgence is manifested by a progressively increasing number of our youth coming out successful in the various national level competitive examinations for admissions to professional institutions and entry into the higher services. The Administration must ensure that our bright and talented students are provided all required support and encouragement to achieve their potential”.
Referring to the measures taken for tackling the problem of unemployment, the Governor said that in the past few years, several Central and State Government schemes have been under implementation to enable youth to acquire and upgrade their skills and enhance their employability. Side by side, endeavours are also under way to encourage and enable potential entrepreneurs to set up their own ventures.
Mr Vohra observed that severe shortage of power, inadequate connectivity within and between regions and the closure of mountain passes for several months in the winter, are among the more significant factors which thwart the State’s rapid growth.
In this context, he said that for improving the power situation certain initiatives are underway for establishing a number of new power units and work on the 850 MW Rattle Power project, in Kishtwar district, has already begun. He said that as hydro-electric projects take several years to be completed it is necessary that all the envisaged ventures are launched without any delay.