
Sunday  Aug 18-2013

Aries : You will pay attention to the voice of your inner self today. This will help you implement all your plans perfectly. You will not only be jovial, but you will also not let disappointments cow you down. Ganesha says not only today, but you can summon this quality whenever you like.

Taurus : Ganesha sees you happily engaged in attending to day to day affairs. The day will turn out to be a hectic one. Do not expect too many time outs or even small breaks. Fortunately you will not be too uncomfortable with your tight schedule and will feel as fresh and easy at cease work as you had been at the beginning of the day. Having accomplished so much without stress or difficulty, you will feel very pleased and content..

Gemini : Along with your house, family and business matters, you will also be busy with your social obligations today. You will be afforded the co-operation of those around you. New ways of thinking will flourish within you. Make full use of the opportunies you get today, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Ganesha says that this will be a unique and auspicious day for you. You will get clue and hints of this from morning itself. A religious ceremony in the house, and thereby invitation to guests is indicated. The chance of shifting to a new house is indicated. Ganesha expresses his best wishes.

Leo : A lucky day is in the offing. You will taste success in all your endeavours. You will be extremely creative. You will contribute a lot of new ideas in meetings. You will be able to talk about your love without any hesitation today, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Today is a mixed bag of values and pragmatism, says Ganesha, and if there were to be a competition for the most humanitarian person, you would be likely to win hands down. You would do well to make plans to increase your productivity. Ganesha advises you to look at the big picture, which should not be so difficult for you as you already have a broad perspective.

Libra : Ganesha says that you will be able to spend more time with your friend circle. You will be attracted to someone of the opposite sex. In the evening today you will be able to take out your beloved for a romantic evening combined with a drive and dinner at a restaurant.

Scorpio : The grey strands on your head is not just a colour, but speaks about your experiences. Your wisdom will make you take appropriate decisions at work. Ganeshji warns you to stay away from courtrooms and legal issues, or the trap may leave a deep scar.

Sagittarius : Dressed to kill ñ this phrase is enough to describe you today, says Ganesha. Decked up from head to toe in chic attire and classy jewellery, you make a bold statement. Like a magnet, you will attract attention at a party. Don’t get surprised if your list of admirers becomes longer.

Capricorn : Your investments, inheritance, receipts, etc. will keep your packets filled with cash. No sooner you try to put them in safe; there will be more than one reason for some expenditure. Keeping a watch on incomes and expenses both will help you avoid any monetary problems, advises Ganesha. Your maturity, practicality and experience will come to your rescue today. Also, you may have to work your socks off today, but eventually all the hard work will be paid off.

Aquarius : Most of the time it is your way or no other way, especially when you charging towards your goal. Today, you will push your limits to achieve what you have desired. You are talented, hard working, creative, and icing on the cake is your luck which is favouring you big time. You are determined to succeed and you will take up the tried and tested route of hard work, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Controversy and differences circle overhead, almost waiting for a chance to corner you. Even though you are a happy go lucky person, you may feel a little run down and disgruntled today. But don’t lost heart, says Ganesha, because as the day progresses you will find bigger and better reasons to smile. Your spouse or loved one will have a major role to play in restoring your happiness.