Havoc caused by rains

Torrential rains in two previous days have wrought havoc in entire Jammu region. All rivers, namely Chenab, Tawi, Ujh, Devak, Basantar, Manawar Tawi and Suran have been overflowing their banks and causing peril to people living close to the banks. Large scale damages to houses, cattle sheds, shops, public property and infrastructure have been reported though comprehensive report of losses suffered is yet to be made. According to a Government release, so far 8336 houses have been completely destroyed, 2161 partially destroyed, 23 persons killed either under collapsed structures or by being washed away by the floods. Large numbers of families have been evacuated from threatened area. Entire rescue machinery has been put into gear and the army, IAF and police have saved at least 80 persons from drowning or carried away by flood waters.
Thousands of passengers and vehicles were stranded on the Jammu-Srinagar Highway and link roads and many areas of the hilly region have been cut off. This has happened because there were landslides between Udhampur and Ramban and the vehicular traffic was closed down. The entire Jammu region has been in the rage of torrential rains and floods. The Chief Minister called a meeting of the cabinet and after discussing the situation issued necessary instructions to concerned official to address the grave situation. The Deputy Chief Minister also held a meeting of senior officials in Jammu to make assessment of the damages caused by rains and flood.  This means that the Government is monitoring the situation and taking into account what relief measures are necessary on the spur of the moment.
The immediate business of the Government is to provide shelter to the displaced or uprooted people. Also relief providing agencies should come into action. We have the Relief and Rehabilitation Department but we are told that it has not sufficient funds to meet the expenditures needed for relief and rehabilitation of affected people… That is why the Government has to approach the centre for assistance on this count. Recently earthquake struck the region of Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban and Reasi in which hundreds of houses were damaged. The Government approached the centre for relief but the request was turned down on the plea that Planning Commission had already allocated funds for relief and rehabilitating works in the State and those funds could be utilized for the purpose. But on the basis of that analogy we are afraid the centre may not be forthcoming with financial support in the present case of damages caused by rain and floods. Keeping this in mind, it would be advisable for the State Government to treat relief and rehabilitation of calamity stricken people on priority basis. J&K is a natural calamity prone area. In rainy season, the sandy mountains become vulnerable to landslides blocking the road for days at end. In winter there is heavy snowfall and vehicular traffic is obstructed. Likewise the entire Pir Panchal belt is prone to earthquake. That is the opinion of seismologists. Therefore, having a well funded and efficient relief and Rehabilitation system is a priority with the Government.  Monsoons are a regular feature in the State and we should be well prepared in advance to meet any exigency happening on account of heavy rains.
Right now the Government machinery should move to provide relief and rehabilitation to the affected people. Of course the Government will try to give the affected people some sort of succour but that would not be really sufficient for them to restart their lives. We would, therefore, suggest that philanthropic organizations, NGOs dealing with relief work and individuals committed to bringing relief to human beings in distress should get galvanized into action. They should raise funds for a humanitarian cause. The temples and shrines run by trusts have huge monies in their coffers coming by way of offerings and donations by the people at large. The best use of these monies is to utilize them for providing succour to the needy. We hope that in our country there are still great many God-fearing people who want to do something good in life. The people adversely affected by natural calamity have a right to restart their lives with reinforced determination to survive and all possible support should be provided to them.