Peace and prosperity

Refer news item ‘Remain vigilant against anti-peace elements’ DE Aug 21.
The Chief Minister has rightly said that ‘peace is pre-requisite to prosperity and public support to peace is fundamental necessity.’
It has been generally seen that people of various faiths or creeds do not indulge in any kind of violence unless they are instigated by some vested interests. These vested interests have been usually found to be associated with political outfits. The present crisis the country is in is a creation of political parties. Had they been sincere and honest towards the country, people would have been living in mutual co-existence and communal harmony. Besides peace is necessary for making progress.
If Jammu and Kashmir is moving ahead today in various aspects of life, it is because peace prevailed,  if not in full measure but to some extent in the State for the last some seven eight years. Before that no  sort of development took  place in the State.
Yours etc…..
Anil Kumar
Gandhi Nagar, Jammu