
Aries : You will feel like going for a little excursion to some place today. It could be to some historical place that you have not visited before. However, Ganesha suggests, in keeping with your responsibility of being a family-man, you should pay heed to the needs of your loved ones. So a trip to the nearest park would be more desirable.
Taurus : You are likely to have differences with your parents in the early hours of the day. Ganesha urge you not to quarrel or confront them. Do not retaliate in any way. Act decent and discreet. Respect their views, wishes and sentiments. Be careful. You may have health problems later in the day. If your health does deteriorate, do not take things casually. Don’t think twice. Go consult a medical specialist without delay.
Gemini : Emotional and material security will hold equal importance today. You want to be in love, but you know that love can’t buy you dough. If you are a student, today you will make crucial choices concerning higher studies, predicts Ganesha
Cancer : Today you will be forced to make quick decisions, foretells Ganesha. At workplace, you will probably refuse to yield to any kind of pressure. You will ace every test that your boss will throw at you. Your quest for fame will restart in the evening, says Ganesha.
Leo : Self-belief and self-confidence are the two wheels of the bike on which you shall ride to success, says Ganesha. Add to that self-assurance, and you have a turbo boost that makes you unstoppable. Your dedication and devotion to your task is something that mystifies everyone at the workplace. It’s as if for you, there is no substitute for work. So, it is no surprise that even on the social front, you are the first one finish your task, and even help out others. Ganesha wishes you all the best and hopes that you have a day full of vigour. May the force be with you!
Virgo : Today, you will be the epitome of sincerity and a model of punctuality. But caution should be the key word, warns Ganesha. Pay attention to the finer details and the finest of prints when it comes to contracts. Prevention is better than cure, says Ganesha.
Libra : Life is a stage, and we are all characters in the play, so better put up a good show! Pay close attention to the image and emotions that you depict today, as you spruce up your outward show, says Ganesha. Work-wise, you will be on to something new — a new business tactic perhaps — to help you succeed. For those on the lookout for employment, the day promises to be lined up with interviews. On the personal front, Ganesha sees you spending time with your better half, much to his/her delight.
Scorpio : Although appearances are deceptive, they are probably the best with which to judge something or someone. Don’t get stuck in the rat race, and make a mark for yourself. In the evening, you will probably take extra care to be a show-stopper, predicts Ganesha.
Sagittarius : Fuel those tanks and propel yourself today to meet your targets today. On the business front, the fast buck that you expected might just not materialise. Expect to sail into rough seas in the love journey. Ganesha advises playing the wait-and-watch game in matters of the heart.
Capricorn : You will carve a niche in the area of your interest and will be recognised for your hard work, says Ganesha. For the enterprising lot, long-standing disputes with rivals will come to an end, and you will not only learn to take criticisms in your stride but will also respect your opponents’ opinions. They, on the other hand, will realise that you have an edge over them in terms of strategy and resources.
Aquarius : Artists, orators, musicians, your talent may finally see recognition. Even criticism won’t ruffle you a bit. At work, you will remain your enthusiastic and exuberant self. Ganesha says it’s your moment, and you should bask in it.
Pisces : Financially, you will be treading cautiously today. Savings will take precedence over indulgences. You are likely to invest in debt instruments over equities. New business proposals may come your way in the afternoon. Cultural and social activities will keep you occupied as well, says Ganesha.