Depute Central agency to recover looted guns: Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 23 : The former Union Minister and MLA, Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta has stoutly pleaded for deputing of team of some Central agency to recover the weapons and ammunition mysteriously looted from a Gun House in Kishtwar in presence of police and their remaining still in the hands of anti national elements even after expiry about two weeks now. He also demanded payment of immediate adequate compensation to the shopkeepers and others whose shops and buildings have become the target of loot and plunder by the organized miscreants including the suspected ultras.
Commenting upon the outcome of the Government organized peace mission to Kishtwar, Prof. Gupta said that mere hypocratic approach would not work to have peace and tranquility. Propaganda is being made for opening of the shops but where are those shops and markets which are to be opened as most of these were looted and put to arson by the hooligans. The many of the traders have virtually come to be destitute and jobless but it was strange that they are being appealed to open shops and markets without making any arrangements for their livelihood.
To restore the badly shaken confidence of the different sections of the people there is need for practical steps and recovery of the looted property worth crores, he asserted.
Referring to developments in Kishtwar prior to the fateful day of August  9, Prof. Gupta observed that all has not happened suddenly. Happenings there were clearly indicating that some big mischief has been planned. Moreso, the police and others remaining mute spectators even after the eruption of violence, is a very serious matter which needed a deep look by some independent agency.
About the looting of a gun shop, he questioned that why the security arrangements were missing and more over the police did not act when the weapons were taken away. And even after expiry of several days, no serious effort seem to be there to recover the looted arms and ammunition, especially when there are reports that some ultras were there in the operators of violence and many of the weapons have fallen in their hands.