Aries : Flow with the tide today. This is Ganesha’s tip pertaining to your relationships. You are assertive as a general rule but you can save it for later. Today is the day to be generous and accede to the wishes of your beloved. You may even propose to him/her.

Taurus : This day you will be compelled to be resigned to your fate. Ganesha does not see your own will power in operation today. Though you would be surrendering yourself to the whims of destiny, do not expect anything good to come out of it. You are likely to take wrong decisions and go of course. This is one of those days when you are liable to feel extremely lost and lonely. Have no fears. The day will pass, like any other day.

Gemini : You will end up having an argument with people owing to your aggressive nature. These people could slander your reputation on account of your enemity. However you will be able to defeat them. They will have to give up against your intellectual superiority. Be wary, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Today, you are likely to achieve something that you have badly wanted for a long time. It is very likely that you will get very emotional in the moment of victory today, predicts Ganesha. Your arrogance and overconfidence can throw you off track. You had better keep your emotional balance once you are through the victory lap.

Leo : Unlike Dennis or Calvin, expect your sometimes haughty and mostly naughty kids to behave ‘just right’ at the right time. It’s not that children like to break rules, they just want to have some fun, reminds Ganesha. Keep this in mind while you go about arranging for special classes to improve their academic skills and performance. Learn to apply an incentive-based system, and update yourself on the latest gadgets and recreational technology to keep pace with your kids, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Expenditures will be like oil spills– wasteful and dirty. But cosmic energies and positivity are gathering wind today, and you should do well to make full use of them in your personal and professional life, says Ganesha.

Libra : Lady Luck smiles on you today. With all the good fortune on your side, it’s assured to be a day when financial gains come your way, especially if you are in the banking business. Agreed everything is going your way today, but be careful not to let your emotions cloud your reasoning and slow you down. Don your rational hat and lower your expectations a little. It never hurts to want less, especially since it is saves you from disappointments later on, advises Ganesha.

Scorpio : Today, there are chances that you would be disturbed by continuous flow of negative thoughts in your mind. Try to divert your mind and look for positive people or friends who would cheer you up. Understanding needy people and living up to their expectations would bring some respite to your disrupted mind, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Expect yourself to be hit with religious fervour. You may find yourself in the spotlight for an event or inauguration. Ganesha indicates travelling, so pack your bags for a long-distance business trip.

Capricorn : After all the drudgery you endured in a bid to reach a certain point in your career, it’s time to sit back and enjoy the rewards, says Ganesha. Today, you can expect to get a transfer, a promotion, a pay hike or all the three. But these will be accompanied by added responsibilities and work, leaving you wondering if it really was an achievement or a bait used to trap you. A lucrative job offer may also come your way, and given the circumstances, you may find it hard to resist.

Aquarius : You will tackle complicated issues with infinite ease! But you will also find people passing the buck onto you. It irks you no end, having to take the blame for others’ mistakes. But here’s a chance, says Ganesha, to turn a weakness into a strength.

Pisces : You could swing both ways today! Fortunately, this alludes to nothing more sinister than the mix of the introvert and the extrovert that you are. So, between a quiet evening out by yourself at a classical music concert, or performing on the dance floor at the local disc — take your pick, says Ganesha.