Can Instagram Help You Grow Your Brand?


Research shows that more than 1.5 million small businesses are using Instagram for business. That is because it is a fantastic opportunity for companies to grow their brands. However, growing an audience that is large enough and engages with your brand can take time and effort. But there is a shortcut. Hiring a top marketing agency like can help you shorten the learning curve and grow your brand. Another option is to learn how to buy Instagram followers discreetly and grow your brand online. Other than that, there are some tips you can use to become successful on Instagram. In this article, we share with you our tried-and-tested tips for using Instagram to grow your business. Continue reading to learn more.

Buy Instagram Followers

It is the most direct way to gain more followers on Instagram. And while Instagram is against it, you can pull it off so long as you know how to buy Instagram followers. It could get your account blocked or suspended indefinitely, which is why you want a professional company like to do it for you.

Come up with a visual strategy 

When crafting content to post on Instagram, it is important to give a lot of thought to the style that not only resonates with your audience but also reflects your brand.

Certain styles tend to be identifiable with specific filters that overlay a video or a photo. Filters are incredibly powerful and can change the tone, shadow, and color of a post, completely transforming its feel.

And although you have more than 20 filters that you can choose from, there is a great need to maintain consistency. Choose one or two filters that you will apply to all your posts. People are drawn naturally to items by aesthetics. Your Instagram followers are unlikely to take you seriously if you pass off as unorganized and messy. They will not continue scrolling or even follow you.

Know what you are working with

Instagram is the go-to place when it comes to telling the story of your brand, whether it is an epic moment or normal everyday events. It also gives you an opportunity to get business in a personal way. However, Instagram for business involves a lot more than simply posting a video or photo. And, most businesses fail because they make the wrong choice when it comes to selecting between one or two types of content.

Thankfully, Instagram provides various visual options to help you optimize the content you post for your audience. To use Instagram successfully for your business, it is critical that you understand these options. They include the following:


This app works with both iPhone and Android devices. It takes photos and strings them together in one high-quality semi-video that plays backward and forward in a loop. Boomerang can boost the engagement of your post by giving life to a completely normal image. Assume that you run a coffee shop. You can take a few photos of a customer serving a freshly brewed cup of coffee. This brings the dynamism you would like to see in an engaging post.


Instagram Stories let you post multiple videos or photos that disappear automatically after 24 hours. And, unlike photos or videos, Stories don’t post to your feed directly. Instagram sends notifications at the top of users’ feeds when they have gone live. Profile photos will have a bright, multicolored ring around them, which is what shows you that they have posted a story.

Photo vs. Video

Choosing between videos and photos as a medium that will benefit your business more should play a big part in the strategy that you choose. For example, if you sell a product, users will appreciate a how-to-video, or a video of real people utilizing the product.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags enable businesses to create the most engaging posts. It is completely fine to use 11 or 12 hashtags. Hashtags are widely used within social media circles to connect trending topics in one central space. If a user is browsing a particular hashtag, a photo with that hashtag will be discoverable automatically.

For example, in the above example of a coffee shop, you could try to create hashtags like #latteart or #localcoffeeshop. It is also okay to hashtag your business name. however, stay away from irrelevant hashtags. You shouldn’t kill yourself if you are unable to come up with 10 or 11 hashtags. Using lots of random hashtags will make your photos be seen by the wrong people.

Be authentic and make genuine connections

Instagram is a highly visual tool, something that enables you to be more personal. A personal post will help create a real connection with your business. Photos or videos are the best for creating an emotional connection. Communicating with your followers will take it a step further. Respond as quickly as you can to a user who comments on your post. This shows them that you are a real person listening and interacting with them. Also, follow back any new followers you get. Another idea is to feature the follower in your post.

Optimize your Bio

It is borderline criminal to neglect your bio. Remember that it is the first thing that your users come across when they check out your account. This also makes it an incredibly great place for advertising important updates, sales, new blogs, and even direct links to your site.

Have a strong CTA (Call to Action)

Make sure that each image you post is accompanied by a strong call to action. If you want users to perform a certain action, just ask them to. For example, you can ask your users to tag a friend if they like the post or even double-tap. Another popular CTA is directing fans to purchase something or sign up for your mailing list. A call to action can be used to gently remind your followers to perform something else other than just looking at your content. Also, a CTA increases your engagement and at the same time gets more people to view your content.


Instagram has become one of the hottest places for companies to grow their brands. So long as you have a large following, you can improve your brand awareness and even make sales. But this is not usually easy, especially for companies that have just started using Instagram. Fortunately, you can enlist the help of a specialist Instagram marketing company like to help you. Such a digital marketing company has years of experience growing brands with Instagram, and can also teach you how to buy Instagram followers without being noticed.