People’s sufferings increased after abrogation of Art 370: Gagan Bhagat

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 18: Deputy chief spokesperson, National Conference (NC) and former MLA, Dr. Gagan Bhagat targeted the opposition parties in Jammu and Kashmir of getting frustrated as the people of the erstwhile State today view National Conference (NC) as the only viable option left with them. After one of the oldest States in the country was downgraded into a Union Territory by using Presidential order to remove the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, the Union Government under BJP has just pleased its ecosystem.
In a statement issued here, today he said on the ground the reality is that the schemes and other announcements made by the Union Government are only visible in the papers, the sufferings have increased several fold after the implementation of J&K Reorganization act 2019. Due to absence of political Government the people feel ignored, he added.
Whenever there is a popular Government, the people have their elected representatives to listen their grievances, and today it is literally impossible for a common man to meet the Advisor and other senior bureaucrats who are at the helm of affairs in the present LG administration. People who celebrated the abrogation of special status now agree that they have been deceived by the Union Government. Highest unemployment rate, inflation, besides sky rocketing fuel, LPG and essential commodities price, people of the erstwhile State have been witnessing their worst days ever, he said.
Taking a jibe on the opposition parties, Dr. Bhagat said that these political parties created in the Valley with the help of New Delhi were supposed to divide the voters of Jammu and Kashmir as the then Union Government had created PDP in 2002. The leaders of these parties were assured the CM’s seat besides other benefits from the Union Government. Now when they have been exposed these leaders are in a state of dilemma whether to support the New Delhi or listen to the voice of a common person. The growing popularity of the National Conference can be seen across the Jammu & Kashmir as people from all walks of life are joining and supporting the ideology of the party.