J&K Private Schools United Front lists measures for quality education

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 28: Suggesting complete privatization of Education sector, J&K Private Schools United Front has claimed that it could ensure world class quality education to all in half of the Government budget currently kept for this sector.
In a statement, issued by G N Var, general secretary of the Front, it was alleged that an ill programmed lobby working for some vested interest groups, was persistently hurdling the smooth functioning of private schools.
Explaining the reality and need of private players in imparting education when a fully furnished department with highly dignified captains and qualified staff in place has become defunct, Mr Var lamented that instead of rewarding the Private School for their contribution in providing quality education besides providing direct employment to about 2,00,000  people, an atmosphere has been created wherein the Private Schools are being presented as culprits merchandising Education.
The JKPSUF leader also listed certain measures to give respite to those who are poor and cannot afford much for the education of their wards.  Every private school, which has been allotted Government land and infrastructure, should allow 30 percent intake of poor from local vicinity besides empowerment of  senior staff members with full job guarantee so as to ensure smooth running of the schools, he explained.
Private Schools who do not receive Government aid should also take at least 15 percent  of intake from local  poor and downtrodden wherein  70:30 ration of fee be borne by the Government and the private schools respectively.
Charges on electricity, water, Municipal fee, taxes, and levies should be waived off immediately. Allotment of land and Interest free loans be provided to school to develop their own infrastructure enabling them to raise the intake of admissions from 15 percent to 30 percent for poor and downtrodden, Mr Var added.