DC reviews Action Plan for monitoring NCA Prog

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR Apr 27: Deputy Commissioner (DC) Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad, who is also the Chairman of District Implementation Committee today reviewed the Action Plan for the implemention and monitoring of National Clean Air Programme(NCAP) of Srinagar in a meeting held here today.
During the meeting, the DC took a detailed review of the measures undertaken for execution of Rs 5 Crore Action Plan(Part Ist) under NCAP to ensure stringent implementation of mitigation measures for Prevention, Control and Abatement of Air Pollution and to improve the Air Quality in the non-attainment City of Srinagar District,
The Action Plan was finalized by the District Implementation Committee and approved by the State Level Implementation Committee with various interventions including procurement of 4 Dusting or Vacuum Cleaning machines for regular cleaning of City roads; Procurement of 3 Jetting Machines for water spraying of City roads; Installation of 9 Fountains at major intersections/circles and Installation of Air Quality Monitoring System in the North of the City.
During the meeting, the Action Plan -Part-II under National Clean Air Programme of Srinagar for Rs. 13 Crore was also discussed threadbare and the components therein including Creating green zones in the City with mass plantation; Plantation of Vertical Planters at Piers of Bridges/Flyovers; Installation of Clean Air Towers in the City; Paving of Earthen Shoulders along the Urban roads; Installation CAAQMS in East and West Zone of Srinagar; Providing Briquetting Assembly for management of Horticulture waste; Provision of Electrical Crematoriums and Conduct of IEC Activities to promote awareness regarding Air Pollution Control were also discussed.
On the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner issued slew of directions to the officers of the Pollution Control Board and SMC & other line Departments and set timelines for the completion of different components of the NCA programme in the District.
The meeting was among others attended by Additional Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Officers of SMC, Urban Development Agency, Traffic Police; Regional Transport Office, R&B, Urban Forestry, Pollution Control Board, Floriculture and Sericulture Departments.