Enough of chemical fertilizers and other chemicals having been used over many years while having resulted in short term gains , in fact have proved disastrous for the health of the soil which keeps on deteriorating continuously and even affecting the quality of ground water table . In most of the cases, such water has become hazardous for even irrigation let alone for human drinking . Back to nature and proven and conventional Indian methods of strengthening the soil to produce more without any side effects by employing organic farming methods has now become an unavoidable necessity . Most of the agriculturally advanced countries have since started the practice . Recently, while releasing a book, Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu having expressed serious concerns over deteriorating soil health has highlighted the danger to the very question of the future of mankind if the very limited water and soil as natural resources, are not preserved and sustained.
Needless to add, indispensability of domestic animals like cows etc for farming and its sustainability has been amply proven to be above any surmises and therefore natural ways of enriching the fertility and strength of the soil as also reducing the input costs to the farmers can better be achieved by resorting to organic farming. Levels of the vital human health parameters can be linked to what we eat and how it reached our plates and organic farming alone, free of chemicals etc, could guarantee diseases free human health. Even many species of birds like sparrows etc have either become extinct or having got reduced menacingly in number as after effects of too much of chemicals and artificial fertilizers in farming is also a matter of concern. The need is to increase the awareness levels among the farming community especially in the context of how organic farming has proved extremely successful in most of the north eastern states and even otherwise in respect of those over 6 lakh farmers engaged in organic farming in 43 lakh hectares of land in the country. Hence, let us go back to nature and back to organic farming for the assured future of the mankind.