Delimitation blind to universally accepted practices, principles: Abdullah

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, May 7: National Conference president and former Chief Minister, Dr Farooq Abdullah today reiterated the party’s stand on delimitation report, saying the exercise was “blind” to universally accepted practices and principles.
Speaking to reporters on the side-lines of his visit to Boteng, Kulgam where he had gone to offer condolence to the bereaved family of party’s District Vice President Kulgam Mohammad Yousuf Dar, Abdullah said that the party’s stand on the entire process of delimitation is clear as crystal.
The NC president said the entire process was a smoke screen to draw a veil over the obscure agenda at work. “The entire exercise has been blind to the universally accepted practised criterions and principles with regards to electoral representation. However, no amount of gerrymandering will save the BJP, and its proxies from the wrath of people”, he said.
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“People of J&K have made it a point to punish BJP and its proxies for all they have done to J&K. No matter how many false fronts they put up, people won’t forgive those who have robbed the region of its unique status, its prized historical individuality and dignity. The writing is on the wall,” he said.
“There is groundswell of anger against BJP and its proxies across J&K, Ladakh. Every sector of our economy is bleeding. Our youth are at crossroads, our traders are facing unprecedented situations. The plight of our tourism players, transporters and artisans is no different. Inflation, unemployment and development deficit has compounded the worries of our people immensely,” he said.
On the occasion he was accompanied by party Chief Spokesperson Tanvir Sadiq, MP Hasnain Masoodi, South Zone President Dr. Bashir Veeri, District President Abdul Majeed Bhat Larmi, Party leaders Riyaz Khan, Abdul Rahman Tantray and others.
He along with this party colleagues offered prayers for the deceased on the occasion and prayed for eternal repose to the departed soul.
Later he visited Sahali, Balpura Pahalgam, where he was received by District President Altaf Ahmad Wani and later interacted with the party’s local unit functionaries.