Dr Lal Path Labs conducts CME

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 2:   India’s reputed diagnostic chain, DR Lal Path Labs, Jammu conducted the Continued Medical Education (CME) here today wherein all the doctors of Jammu participated.
On the occasion, a lecture was held on routine, specialized, super specialized investigations like Blood Sugar Fasting, CBC, LFT, KFT etc,  performed within the purview of NABL/CAP accreditations by using the best and latest software ‘Starlims’.
Dr Anil Raina, chief of Dr Lal Path Labs, Jammu, precisely briefed the audience and spoke about the quality control programmes run by the Lab to improve the accuracy of results.
Dr Bhushan Narula from Dr Lal Path Labs, New Delhi, briefed about the high-end testing performed at National Reference Laboratory, Rohini, New Delhi and also about the new tests to be introduced for the overall benefit of patients.
The lecture was followed by a lively discussion with all the doctors attending the CME.