Role of a modern teacher

Ashok Sharma
Teaching is a noble profession and a nation’s future is shaped in the classroom.The man shapes it is the teacher, Since times immemorial, teachers have been held in high esteem and given a place of respect next to one’s mother and father.A good teacher exerts a profound influence on his students who take him to be his role model and guide.That is why a good teacher is said to be worth a thousand preachers.With the unprecedented expansion of education new breakthroughs in the methodology in the recent times, the role of teacher has also changed.He is no longer expected to use traditional methods of teaching in the classroom and teach only 3R’s to the students.He has the onerous task of moulding his students into useful and patriotic citizens of tomorrow by adopting latest teaching techniques and focussing on the holistic development of the students.For achieving this noble objective, it is imperative that a modern teacher is well qualified and highly motivated.He should have a strong passion about teaching and working with students.A good teacher is one who has a sound knowledge of his  subject as also of educational psychology to teach his students according to their aptitudes, interests and age  groups and enable them to explore their talents and abilities and use them to the optimum level.A great teacher equips himself with effective discipline skills and strives hard to promote pospositive behaviour and passion for learning in his students.He is always sympathetic with his students and encourages them to make proper use of time and energy and explore new things.A good teacher should always be well dressed and well groomed to be able to command a pleasing personality.He strives hard to develop the qualities of leadership, dignity for labour, scientific temper in the students and promote creative writing and healthy conversational skills.He teaches his students in such  a manner that they consider learning as a pleasurable and enjoyable experience and develop intellectual curiosity and knack for learning.
There is no doubt that in the wake of materialism and degeneration of values, respect for teachers has lessened but teachers having unassailable command on their subject , positive attitude and pleasant disposition are deeply revered and such teachers will continue to be respected in the times to come.The  ‘TeachersDay’ celebrated in the honour of legendery teacher and philospher president of India, Dr S.Radhakrishnan affords an opportunity to all the teachers to introspect whether they are fulfilling their roles properly to the high expectations of the society which expects them to mould their students into ethically strong, mentally alert, physically fit, emotionally stable, intellectually enlightened and morally upright citizens and thus enable them to lead a useful, productive and harmonious life.It is hoped that they shall not be found wanting in their noble and glorious role.