CT Scan services likely to resume in City Hospitals

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 4: After remaining out of order for the past one week, the CT Scan services in the City Hospitals will be made fully operational in the next couple of days to cater the needs of the trauma and other patients.
Official sources told the EXCELSIOR that the CT Scan machines in the Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) and Shri Maharaja Gulab Singh (SMGS) Hospital catering to the needs of trauma and others patients coming from various parts of the Jammu region remained out of order for around one week.
The reason behind non-functioning of the machine in the GMC was due to non-working of the main part of the CT scan machine “Tube”, sources added.
Due to it, hundreds of patients (emergency and in-patients) have been facing problems as they were being referred to Chest Disease (CD) Hospital, sources said.
The snag got developed in the CT Scan machine around one week back in the GMC due to the increasing work load as on daily basis around 70 to 80 patients were being diagnosed by this lone machine, sources said, adding, “had the proposal for installation of two new CT Scan machine in the GMC been cleared by the Government such a situation would not have arisen”.
“No doubt the patients are being referred to CD Hospital, yet this arrangement is putting patients as well as attendants to inconvenience”.
The attendants have to move towards private clinics for the conduct of the test as they have to wait for a long time to get the test conducted in the machine in CD Hospital, sources said.
About the non-working of the CT Scan machine in SMGS Hospital, sources said, “this machine too developed a snag due to non-functioning of one of the parts of camera, which resulted into non-availability of test reports”.
Talking to Excelsior, one of the attendants of the trauma patient admitted in the GMC Hospital said “If any kind of mis-happening will take place in this entire process of conducting CT Scan test, who will be responsible?”.
He alleged that huge funds were being utilized by the Government, but they cannot install additional CT Scan machines in such big institutions for the convenience of the patients.
When contacted Dr Ghansham Dev, Head of Radiology Department, that due to non-working of “Tube”, the lone CT Scan machine in the GMC Hospital became non-operational.
“The ‘Tube’ has been brought and in a couple of days, the machine will be made fully operational for the convenience of the patients in GMC”, he asserted.
When asked about non-functioning of CT Scan machine in the SMGS Hospital, Dr Ghansham said “one of the parts of the camera was not working, due to which sometimes the reports got delayed due to printing error.
“We had also brought that part too, which will make the machine operational in coming few days”, he asserted.