Political parties under RTI Act

Refer news item ‘Omar favours bringing political parties under RTI purview’ DE Sept 4.
At a time when all political parties have vehementally opposed their inclusion under RTI Act for accountability and maintaining transparency, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah’s statement is quite worth taking note of  and deserves to be appreciated by the countrymen. It has come as a ray of hope amid despair. Barring our politicians, every one in the country wants that politicians should be brought under RTI purview. This  will allow the countrymen to know the functioning of political parties.
The people of country have a right to know the politicians whom they are going to elect, and how they wield power once they occupy the power seats. Indian voter is as responsible for development of nation as does a politician. Rather a voter is more responsible than the elected representative. By this very logic, he should be aware of the deeds of a political party. So political parties should voluntarily go for RTI Act.
Yours etc….
Sunil Khajuria