Address issues of PHE daily wagers: DDC Chairman

‘Pay wages on Delhi pattern’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 27: Bharat Bhushan Bodhi, District Development Council (DDC), Chairman, Jammu has made a fervent appeal to the Union Territory administration to immediately address the grievances of the PHE daily wagers by regularizing their services and providing them at least fair wages or salaries at the same rates and pattern as provided by Delhi Government.
The DDC Chairman made the appeal after meeting a PHE daily wagers delegation that called on him here, today.
The delegation of PHE daily wagers apprised District Development Council (DDC) Chairman about the burning issues and problems being faced by them due to the apathetic attitude adopted by the successive regimes towards the daily wagers. The delegation also submitted a detailed memorandum of demands to the DDC Chairman. The demands included regularization of the daily wagers under SRO 60, releasing the 70 months pending wages in their favour, hike in minimum wages and pension benefits to those daily wagers having retired.
After giving a keen and patient hearing to the deputation, Bharat Bhushan Bodhi urged the Lt Governor, Manoj Sinha to consider the genuine demands of the PHE daily wagers including the demand for their regularization. He said that the Government should provide them salary on the Delhi pattern i.e, @ Rs. 618 per day.
He said that a substantial number of daily wagers have already retired and have been deprived of pension or any other benefit because of not being regularized and the Government must provide such retired daily wagers at least Rs. 10 lakh as pension benefit. He asserted that this is the only way to do justice with the daily wagers who worked selflessly in the PHE Department to serve the people at quite meager wages.
The DDC Chairman also appealed to the daily wagers to defer their strike call in view of the ongoing peak Summer season so that the common people do not face difficulty on account of the life giving drinking water supply.