Silver, Gold up

MUMBAI, Sept 7:  Snapping a downslide of last three sessions, the precious metals bounced back at the domestic bullion market today,with Silver advancing by Rs 1,485 to Rs 55,670 per kg and Gold moved up by Rs 190 to Rs 30,970 per ten gm due to good demand from stockists, traders at the Bombay Bullion Association (BBA) said.

Tumbling by Rs 4,170 per kg in last three sessions, Silver registered a massive gain of Rs 1,485 to Rs 55,670 per kg today, as compared to its last close.

The same picture was seen in gold, as it had lost ground by Rs 1,730 in last three sessions, today improved by Rs 190 for standard gold and Rs 180 for pure gold.

Standard and pure gold ended positive at Rs 30,970 and Rs 31,110 per ten gm respecitvely.


Following are the closing rates of Silver and Gold:

Silver (per kg)    Rs  55,670         (Rs 54,185)

Standard gold      Rs  30,970         (Rs 30,780)

Pure Gold          Rs  31,110         (Rs 30,930)

(per 10 gm)