CM pays tributes to Sheikh Abdullah


Paying rich tributes to fomer Chief Minister Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today described him as an architect and founder of educative, progressive and secular democratic  society.

Highlighting the struggle and sacrifices made by Sheikh Abdullah, for the cause of people and the state throughout his life, Mr Abdullah said welfare and public empowerment was his cherished desire and he made all possible endeavours in this direction.

Sheikh Abdullah propagated and nurtured amity, brotherhood and mutual trust between various sections of the society and lived as a torch-bearer of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isahi unity.

His slogan of Hindu-Muslim-Sikh Itihad still reverberates  in the hearts and minds of people and its resonance is equally felt in the mountains, valleys and planes of Jammu and Kashmir, he said and vowed his commitment for strengthening this preaching and teaching of Sheikh Abdullah.

Mr Abdullah said the former Chief Minister laid the edifice of ‘Naya Kashmir’ with a clear vision of public empowerment and involvement in the formulation and implementation of development plans in accordance with the aspirations of the people and requirements of the areas.

He said his government would put in all efforts to  work for realising the progressive, peaceful and economically sound new Jammu and Kashmir envisioned by the late leader.

In a message on the eve of the death anniversary of his grand father, the Chief Minister said, “the best way of paying tributes to the leader is to follow his footprints and work together for achieving peace and prosperity for the state and strengthening the cherished secular democratic values advocated and propagated by him.

The Chief Minister said the foundation laid by his grandfather to universalise education and healthcare facilities in the state and uplift the downtrodden sections of the society by upgrading their socio-economic and education status clearly describes the love Sheikh Sahib possessed for the common people, especially for those belonging to poorer sections of the society.

The Chief Minister said the concept of single line administration and devolution of power from central level to grass roots introduced and implemented by Sheikh Abdullah constitutes the necessary pillar in good-governance and public empowerment.

He said the revolutionary measure of land to tiller taken by Sheikh Sahib has helped a lot to engulf the gap between have and have not’s and built a society on the principle of equality and justice.


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Both the Union and state governments have taken essential steps to encourage women education, he asserted.

Dr Abdullah also asked the school management to send a proposal for setting up of solar lighting and heating system in the school premises.

He assured that he would also provide additional funds for further developing the school building.

The Union Minister also gave away prizes among the students who performed well in curricular and co-curricular activities during last session.

He also inspected new science laboratory block and interacted with the teachers and students. (agencies_