inner voice

SUNDAY, september 8, 2013
O My Dear Teacher
You don’t ignore me,
Because in this world
Only you help me
You give me right direction
O My Dear Teacher
You don’t forget me,
Because in this world
Only you understand me.
You support me in my situation.
O My Dear Teacher
You also forgive me,
Because in this world,
Only you love me,
You tell me about my Karma’s
O My Dear Teacher,
You don’t annoy me
Because in this world,
Only you guide me,
You give me chance for perfection
O My Dear Teacher
You always guide me
Because in this world
Only you inspire me
You mould my thinking, imagination
into reality
Last Morh, Sarwal, Jammu’

   Teacher’s Day
On Teacher’s Day
Kirpaul has three words to say.
Friends, Parents, God
My teachers are my FRIENDS.
Coz their shadow is always with me.
Their memories still runs in my mind.
As far as I could see.
My teacher are my PARENTS.
Coz They Played A big role.
Their Blessings are eternal,
That’s why I’ve A chieved my goal.
My Teachers Are Just Like GOD.
Coz They’ve Lightened my way.
I’m blessed by Them,
That’s all I want say.
  Kirpaul Thakur
     (KK Thandowalia)
Jaganoo Town, Udhampur

Since my childhood i had seen my father put some rice in a corner in the lawn,
The sparrows would come,eat and after sometime rice was gone,
It was a daily ritual in my house,
Then to pick up job i left my house,
I rarely noticed this later when for few days i came home,
For I would spend my time to visit friends and roam,
Now after retirement i have come back to same house,
Nothing has changed,same are the trees and lawn of my house,
Every morning a small bowl of rice i put in front of my door in the lawn,
And I watch birds pick up rice,fly around,pick rice and gone,
When that rice is finished i put more,
Everyday I find few birds more than before,
Now not only sparrows but come in pigeons,parrots and crow,
They chirp,sing song as they come and go,
Every time they look at meas if to say,
Thank you,may riches and happiness come your way,
Yes ,to me they teach small good gestures in life matter lot,
Immence pleasure you get when with others you share what you got.
This world once called the human saviour,
Has now become their abattoir
These purple headed mountains once humming with choirs
Have now become their utter satire
The rivers once running and splashing the water,
Have strangly become full of horror
The sunset and the morning that brighten the sky
Has betrayed us yet frightens even a fry,
Now where to go when near one are far
Whom to tell when listners are deaf
Whom to love when world is heartless
Whom to rely on when all are mean
Just believe God! Who is never seen
Yet make for us sun and moon beams
And hold our hand whenever we scream
And the worst phases of life fade like a dream
Just love him! just love him! just love him!
Miss Madeeha Tabassum