Obama reviews national security on 9/11 anniversary

WASHINGTON, Sept 11:  US President Barack Obama reviewed the national security of the country on the 12th anniversary 9/11 twin tower attacks of 2001.

            Over past several months, the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Lisa Monaco, has convened numerous meetings to review security measures in place for this anniversary, as well as other global threats, including the recent threat emanating from the Arabian Peninsula, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said.

            The meeting, among others, was attended by the US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel, before which he was briefed by senior military planners on Pentagon’s worldwide security posture.

            “Over the past year, the Department of Defence, in close coordination with the Department of State, has undertaken a number of efforts to increase security planning at US embassies and installations around the world, including augmenting the role US Marine security guards play in certain situations,” Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said.

            Little said the Department of Defence has also developed, trained and sustained innovative force options, both at sea and at US bases in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

            These forces are operating at a high state of readiness and are complemented by air assets and other platforms that can help respond to a variety of contingencies.

            Carney said the President’s National Security team is taking measures to prevent 9/11 related attacks and to ensure the protection of US persons and facilities abroad.

            The President reiterated that protecting the American people, both at home and abroad, is the Administration’s top national security priority, he said.

            “September 11th has been a day of remembrance for 12 years for Americans and others around the world. The events of last year, losing four brave Americans –- Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods -– brought home the reality of the challenges we face in the world,” he said.

            “As we near this day of remembrance, we continue to mourn the death of our cherished colleagues and honour their dedication to public service.

            “We remain committed to bringing the perpetrators of the Benghazi attacks to justice and to ensuring the safety of our brave personnel serving overseas,” Carney said. (PTI)