Lakhanpur police rescues 5 bovine animals

Excelsior Correspondent
KATHUA, Sept 11: Lakhanpur Police recovered five bovine animals and arrested one notorious animal smuggler besides seizing the vehicle at Lakahnpur near here today when they were being smuggled from this side to Punjab.
According to reports five bovine animals were being smuggled by Mohammed Irshad of Udhampur to Punjab via Nagar Haad in Ravi belt.
The police on a tip off chased the vehicle and captured it in the Ravi basin two kilometers away from Punjab border.
Irshad was arrested and all the bovine animals were rescued by the Police who also seized the Tata Mobile bearing number JK08 A 0150. Irshad is also involved in various cases of bovine smuggling which have been already registered by Lakhanpur Police.