Peace, tranquility necessary to realize developmental goal: Mir

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Sept 12: Minister for Tourism, Ghulam Ahmad Mir has said that in view of tourism emerging as global economic force, the present Government has attached much importance to this sector for employment generation and poverty alleviation. He said tourism potential in each and every area of the State including Dooru area and its surroundings would be optimally exploited to give impetus to socio-economic activities.
Addressing a public meeting at Gujjar Basti Gulab Bagh in Dooru tehsil, the Tourism Minister called upon the people to cooperate with the administration and executing agencies to help Government in speedy socio-economic transformation of the State.
The Minister said, “Peace and tranquillity is imperative to achieve the goal of sustained development. Every citizen of the State has a right to equal opportunities of development and prosperities,” and reaffirmed Government’s resolve for uniform development and equal social justice to the people in all the three regions of the State.
Mir said, in view of the primary importance of road connectivity in socio-economic transformation of the society, the Government has under taken a massive programme to construct roads and bridges in nook and corner of the State. “Now each and every village having a population of above 250 souls will essentially be connected with road network under PMGSY”, Mir added.
Referring to the scarcity of drinking water and road connectivity in Gujjar Basti area, the Minister announced release of Rs 2 lakh as a Short Term measure out of CD Fund and said that DPRs through concerned departments would be formulated soon for sanction of the Government to mitigate these problems in the area as a long term measure.
The Minister said provision of Responsive, Accountable and Transparent Governance is one of the top priorities of the Government adding that landmark laws including RTI, PSGA and Vigilance Commission have been enacted by the present Government for this purpose.
Mir cautioned the people about the forces inimical to peace, adding that some vested interests are hell bent to vitiate the atmosphere of peace by raising frivolous issues. “But they will never succeed in their nefarious designs as the people are aware about their mechanizations and double standards. They have neither any agenda nor any mass base and rely only on politics of lie and deceit, he said, adding that nobody will be allowed to disturb the peace as the people of the State are yearning for peace and development.
The Minister assured the people that all their genuine developmental needs would be carried out in a phased manner. He also impressed upon the officers to solve the people’s genuine problems and developmental needs on priority.