Life returns to normal in Kashmir, barring Baramulla

SRINAGAR : Barring Baramulla and curfew-bound areas in south, life returned to normal today in the Kashmir valley, where breakaway Hurriyat Conference (HC) has called for general strike for two days from tomorrow.
Though there is a ‘Lal Chowk’ call by Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) today, shops and business establishments reopened in the summer capital, Srinagar and adjoining areas after observing a day-long bandh yesterday in protest against Gagran, Shopian killings. The strike call was given by Hurriyat.
Normal activities resumed this morning in the city, including historic Lal Chowk, the nerve centre and other areas. Transport was plying normally.
Educational institutions, government offices and banks were functioning.
The HC had called for peaceful protests after Friday prayers against the Shopian killings and other alleged Human Rights violations.
Reports of normalcy were also received from central Kashmir districts of Badgam and Ganderbal.
Life was also normal in curfew-free areas in south Kashmir.
However, life remained paralysed in Baramulla district, where shops and business establishments remained closed today also.
Very less number of vehicles could be seen on the roads. Work in government offices and banks was affected though there was no strike call from any organisation.
Additional security forces were deployed in the town and other trouble spots to maintain law and order. (AGENCIES)