Support SHGs by involving them in IEC activities: CS to JJM officers

Chief Secretary chairing a meeting.
Chief Secretary chairing a meeting.

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, June 23: Chief Secretary, Dr Arun Kumar Mehta today urged the officers of the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) to engage Self Help Group (SHG) members for their possible handholding in the Information, Education & Communication (IEC) activities of the mission.
He expressed these views during the 6th Apex Committee meeting chaired by him here at Civil Secretariat.
The meeting was attended by Additional Chief Secretary (ACS), Finance; Principal Secretary, Higher Education & Information; Principal Secretary, Jal Shakti; Commissioner Secretary, RDD; Secretary Planning; CEO, JJM; Chief Engineer, Jal Shakti, Kashmir/Jammu and other officers of the concerned departments.
Jammu based officers participated in the meeting through video conferencing.
Dr Mehta stressed on the officers of the Mission to utilize the resources meant for carrying out IEC activities very efficiently. He enjoined upon them to avail the opportunity for handholding of the SHGs especially comprising of rural women. He asked them to look into the possibility of engaging these SHGs as Implementation Support Agencies (ISAs) in their respective areas. He directed them to make the Mission more prominent and inclusive by best use of such activities.
The Chief Secretary further impressed upon the officers to deal strictly as per law with the non-performers. He advised them to create a system of replacing the underachievers with those ready to put in their best. He made out that accountability and fixing of responsibility should be the sole guiding principles for the officers of the Mission.
He declared that there is no obstacle in working in the best interest of the Mission. He maintained that every decision taken towards fulfilling the objectives of the mission would be appreciated impartially.
The ACS, Finance made it clear to the indenting department to work out every possibility of completing the Mission as per the provisions of GFR. He asked them to accelerate the process of awarding of contracts through respective district level missions so that the mission gets culminated in stipulated time frame.
The Principal Secretary, Information stressed upon the Mission to take it as a golden opportunity to fulfill the potable water needs of poor and underprivileged. He asked them to own the mission and its objectives as these are very virtuous in their nature and outcome.
While giving details of the Mission the Principal Secretary Jal Shakti Department said that under the Mission a functional tap water connection is to be provided to every rural household besides the rural public institutions. He also gave out that the mission aims at providing 12.6 lakh water connections and till date 4.86 lakh connections stands installed by the department. He stated that the remaining water connections would be provided in the timeline set for the Mission here.