
Aries : If you are involved in monetary matters, today you will find yourself weighing the benefits. A loan that you have applied for may be sanctioned. Look at a range of choices, says Ganesha, and you will end up feeling very happy about it.

Taurus : This day you will have an urge to take a trip, be it a small one. Ganesha sees you enthusiastically making detailed plans and arrangements, arranging for funds and getting in touch with all those you desire to take along. It is possible that you may ultimately scrap your plans and choose to stay at home. However, be sure you’ll be making that trip in due course.

Gemini : Today may not be very meaningful and productive for you, though you will get to spend plenty of quality time with yourself in the afternoon, which may not necessarily be to your liking. By evening, you may feel a little extra sensitive. A lonely day, or as an optimist would put it, you’ve got the whole day to yourself; it could have been worse (For instance, a day alone with your nagging mother-in-law!).

Cancer : You are likely to be at your inventive best today, feels Ganesha. You are likely to taste success, much to the delight of your colleagues at work and loved ones back home. However, experience counts, and if you are a beginner at something, you may face problems in your new venture.

Leo : A challenging day awaits you. You will face some tensions and problems, however this doesn’t mean you will not be able to complete all your work successfully. Your personal life will proceed as usual, however expectations from you at the work-front will increase. You need to maintain a balance between your home and work-place, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Children will be a source of a lot of appreciation today, in and out of the classroom. Your logical abilities will become stronger. Ganesha advises you to stay peaceful, flow with the tide and enjoy yourself, regardless of what happens in the day.

Libra : Ganesha says today is a fortunate day for starting new work. You will win the hearts of everyone with your amazing charm. Your house and its arty interior decoration will impress people

Scorpio : Do your deeds and don’t expect returns is what Indian mythology has taught us since time immemorial. Now, it’s time to implement it, especially at work. You may have to wait a little longer in terms of your business and joint venture. However, don’t lose hope as the fruits of patience are sweet.

Sagittarius : Good Samaritans around you may give unsolicited, but valuable advise. Take it as a hint, and consider it for your betterment. Take your decision after following the advise, and this may definitely yield benefits, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : Though less, you will get money from your investments and other resources. Don’t ignore pending projects; complete them at the earliest so that you will have clear picture about your requirements and responsibilities, advises Ganesha. Once you are done with them, you will enjoy happy times with your friends and family in the evening.

Aquarius : There are no short-cuts to success. You know this very well and work you socks off to get what you want. Colleagues, friends and family – all of them will acknowledge and appreciate your efforts and achievements. Though you will be apprehensive about it, you will have to take some risks to bring the desired change in your life, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Interactions with those of the opposite sex will mark your day. It is also a good day to strike up friendship with those of the opposite sex. For those in love, today is a good day to spend time with your partner. For those looking for love, now is the best time to pop the question to that special someone you’ve secretly admired for long, says Ganesha.