Mela patt Bhaderwah

Kaushal Kotwal
Bhaderwah as it is known as Chota Kashmir is popular for the festivals and fairs of every community in District Doda and has a unique place in the Chenab valley of J&K
Its fairs and festivals have enriched the culture of the people. Mela Patt is a famous festival of Bhaderwah. During these days people, irrespective of caste, creed participate in the Mela Patt in large numbers. “Mela Patt” having medieval origin occupies prominent position among the fairs of Doda District.
After Kailash Kund yatra Mela Patt is celebrated in Bhaderwah with great enthusiasm at Vasuki Dera in Bhaderwah Town in which people of the area participate in huge numbers.
Mela Patt is an annual fair which is celebrated in memory of memorable meeting of King Akbar with Raja Nagpal of Bhadarwah. Impressed by spiritual powers of Nagpal, the Mughal King had offered some precious rubies and jewellery to Nagpal. At present these are displayed during Mela Patt. It begins on Nag Panchmi and continues for three days.
According to a legend Raja Nagpal first initiated this festival in 16th century as he was the ruler of Bhaderkashi now known as Bhaderwah.
As per Vasuki Puran Raja Nag Pal would not bow before any one except his lord vasuki nag. The Mughal Akbar summoned Raja Nag pal to Delhi as it was mandatory for all small rulers to bow before the emperor. Raja Nag Pal was also required to bow before the king which he refused to do because for him vasuki nag was his only master so Raja Nag pal entered the Darbar hall and took his seat with out bowing to the emperor. Raja Akbars courtiers suggested strict action against Raja Nag Pal.
Also before taking any drastic action the king Akbar suggested that next day Raja Nagpal should enter the Darbar hall through a small window instead of main entrance compelling Raja Nag pal to bow automatically but next day Raja Nag pal entered through window instead of bowing his head, his legs projected from the window this enraged Akbar the Great and he asked Raja to prove his spirituality before any harsh action be taken against him.
Raja Nag Pal concentrated his mind on lord Vasuki Nag and and every body in the darbar of Raja Akbar was surprised to see a big serpent with many heads coming out off the colorful turban of Raja Nagpal.
On seeing this unique happening Raja Akbar asked Raja Nag pal to pardon his ignorance. The serpent disappeared Akbar was impressed by the spiritual powers of Raja Nag pal and he rewarded the Raja with precious stones, gold , silver a golden kalash and costly velvet robes and bowed to Vasuki Nag Ji.