My Humble Tribute to Justice Sethi

Dr C L Gupta

My association with Late R P Sethi started in early eighties. He was then a leading advocate of Jammu and Kashmir High Court. He was most sought after advocate for his expertise in handling the criminal cases.
After having interacted with him on few occasions,I found that a man so busy in his professional commitments, had passion for jokes and laughter. This resulted in our meeting with each other more frequent and firmer as the time passed.
At that point of time, I was also known for having a treasure of jokes which my colleagues in Medical College Jammu used to enjoy on all the occasions. What I observed was that he was very fond of exploring new places for visit during his vacation time.
Another value based principle he practicised was that in all the social functions, he used to be away from glamour. In girls marriage party or otherwise he would leave without taking meals even in spite of insistence of close relations.
Sethi Sahib as an advocate was an emotional personality and always talked in favour of poor and oppressed class.
He had deep attachment with his family members. Nowhere else one could find such a fine example of unity and respect for each other prevalent in this family.
His grooming had been done by his respected mother and his elder brother K D Sethi. Late K D Sethi was an institution in himself setting an example of a selfless and honest politician, as a rare species.
Sethi Sahib became Justice of Jammu and Kashmir High Court in 1986, by dint of his hard work and reputation as a legal luminary.
After having taken charge as Justice a distinct change happened and that was now his complete commitment in delivering justice through his judgements.
This change was as if some Divine force made an entry in his actions as a Judge.
As a result of this some of his associates in whose company he used to move misunderstood him of having become and labelled him of having become arrogant. But for sure they corrected their misconception as such a change in social dealings was essential for the delivery of impartial justice. Hereafter nobody howsoever close to him dared to get advantage in legal matters listed before him.
I had personally seen him being harsh to his own relatives, friends and highly connected political persons who asked for any favour for them in legal matters.
But to his credit, he never diluted his hospitable behaviour towards any of his old friends and acquaintances.
His punctuality in sitting on bench was not liked by many of the advocates appearing in his court. But he never compromised on this account.
I for myself and many of his appreciaters in the society could learn a lot of lessons from him. Principles of life like
* He was an enemy of corruption and the corrupt people.
* Strictly, he was against the dowry system in marriages and set the example in all the marriages celebrated in his family.
* No great pomp and show in marriage processions and barats was practiced in his family.
* No gifts and their exchange on such occasions.
* No distribution of costly invitation cards to be issued. He used to write them in his own handwriting.
But personal attention and hospitality prevailed in his reception parties. Here again strictly no shaguns or gifts were accepted.
* He had the most courteous habit of seeing off his guests upto the outer gate of his residence.
It is certainly pertinent to highlight that orders passed in his court were taken very seriously and implemented by the concerned authority.
Justice Sethi had passion for exploring the new natural and beautiful places and visit them whenever he was on duty at Srinagar.
With him I had been privileged to accompany him to Shri Amarnath yatra. The group compromised of few senior members of the judiciary and their families. It was a every memorable venture indeed.
Justice Sethi got transferred to Chandigarh as a Judge of Punjab and Haryana High Court where he proved his legal mettle and gained very goodwill and respect amongst the bar and the bench.
And after performing the function as a CJI of Karnataka High Court he became judge of honorable supreme court of India. This was a matter of great honour for people of Jammu and Kashmir.
During all the period I could never visit him at Chandigarh or Bangalore. Before he was to suprenuate as justice I happened to call upon him.
During our conversation I asked him for his next plan.
He categorically told me that although offers for heading commission assignments are there but no more such offers shall be accepted by me.
What I want now is to settle peacefully at Jamu and do legal work & writings. I would like to get my old contacts and wellwishers back and spend pleasant time with them. He accordingly made arrangements independent of his sons in the same premises.
But then his plans were not in consonant with Almighty’s plans.
Disturbing circumstances encountered him as the time passed.
As a doctor I suspected a serious disease in him when he came for consultation of his suffering which later on got confirmed as malignancy of the large intestine.
With best of treatment including surgery by the top surgeon of India followed with chemo medicines, the same started consuming his life.
It was indeed a terrible time for all the members of the family seeing him suffering physically and mentally as well as, by nature, he was an emotionally charged person.
Hats of to all the members of this united family who never left any efforts to soothen his sufferings, I myself was at their disposal any time they needed my services.
During this period, one fine morning Sethi Sahib dropped at my residence and told me that he wants to discuss one matter with me.
He asked me to give him my opinion regarding an offer made to him for heading Accountability Commission set up for eradication of corruption in Government and any pvt concerns.
Probably, he had to settle the terms and conditions for this purpose, with the then Govt. my response to this was based on the status of his disease but mainly on the would be performance of a man heading this organisation.
Mission was to set the corruption labelled state to be to some extent free of it. Setting a precedent for the future by appropriate and exemplary action against the involved irrespective of his status.
Another affirmative suggestion was that he must keep himself busy as a diversion from life consuming disease he was suffering from and this way he can finish his agenda set by him and become a great reformer.
What happened to commission and its fate manipulated by a strong and wicked lobby of politicians is known to all and needs no mentiooning.
Alas! The task remained unfulfilled.
Last moments of his life, our helplessness and devotion towards him.
We got him admitted in ICU of Medical College Jammu.
Decision was taken to shift him to PGI Chandigarh next morning. Arrangements were made.
Here was period of sorrow, torture and helplessness for all.
He call me and I stood by his bed side. Without losing his acumen and mental faculty he asked me doctor sahib why do you want to shift me to Chandigarh as I am in a terminal stage.
I immediately sat on his bedside and started messaging his feet and legs. I was terribly upset emotionally. He could understand that I was diverting his question as in fact I had no answer to give.
Telling me to stop massaging his legs and feet with the remarks that you have already done lot of service to me and my family. Of course I never stopped my act, but my eyes were full of tears all time I spent with him.
When I could no more argue with him regarding his shifting, he said please do as you think proper.
Next morning as decided I accompanied him in air taxi ambulance upto the airport.
He raised his hands, and waved at me.
I held his hands as if it was a last hand shakes with a dear person proceeding to a destination of no return.
In the end I would like to say that it was a great previlege to share with him sweet and sour moments during his lifetime.
RIP my friend wherever you are on you birthday today.