
Aries : The stars are sending out a warning today, and it will prevent you from getting cheated. Even though you manage to remain a step ahead of people, you are likely to make a few enemies along the way. Ganesha says today is not auspicious for buying a house or a vehicle.

Taurus : This day, you will be able to express and communicate your ideas and feelings very convincingly, assures Ganesha. All those to who come in contact with you today will be clear, and appreciative about whatever you tell them. At work your superiors are likely to be responsive and helpful. Al said and done, you are not likely to face any difficulties or disappointments today. You will consider that day well spent and go to bed happy, satisfied.

Gemini : You will be surrounded by conflicts today. However, you will come to realise within a short while the solutions required to troubleshoot your way out of your difficult circumstances. You will desire solitude and peace so much so that you will not find even your family members welcome company, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Your way of talk today will be such that it can cause misunderstanding. In a fit of emotion, you will take a hasty decision. You will regret the same in future, but you will also get a chance to rectify the same. So, says Ganesha, do not take a any ad hoc or temporary decision but a firm decision.

Leo : You will try to finish your tasks as per schedule and will also be able to earn well. You will benefit from the influence of high ranking officials. They will appreciate your dedication. A promotion may come your way. You will reap the rewards of your hard work, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha advises you to keep your distance from partnership ventures. You are much better off all alone and have the ability to quell the stampede. Left to yourself, you are the best manager of your sphere of work. Ganesha says today you will garner the support of people by uniting them under you for achieving greater success.

Libra : Ganesha says today you will get the opportunity to lay bare your thoughts and feelings and exchange ideas with others. Your mind will be at ease and more relieved when you have opened up. Your business acumen will be praiseworthy today. Towards evening you will reap the benefits of all those good deeds that you may have done in the near past.

Scorpio : For you Scorpios, love and intense passion are like a way of life. Today will not be any different, for you will put these on top priority, as you mark today’s planner. Well, there is no harm in it, till you know your boundaries. At work, take it easy, for if you fail to resist yourself from making a pass at someone attractive, you may land yourself in serious problems. Instead focus on your creative energies, and find fun in life’s simple pleasures.

Sagittarius : You feel highly balanced today, says Ganesha. Being a family person, you dedicate your time equally at home and carry out responsibilities towards family. When it comes to work, you are at ease today. Enjoy the serenity of nature in the evening.

Capricorn : If you are an engineer, you will consider about investing your money in your dream project or a business venture. For sports person, today will be a favourable day for health and wealth, foresees Ganesha. Make every step ahead wisely, otherwise you will have much to regret when something goes wrong. Socially, you will build a stronger reputation, says Ganesha.

Aquarius : One way or the other, money matters will be the highlight of the day. Working environment at your office will be better than before. Be prepared to work harder as today your bosses may assign you some new projects, foresees Ganesha. Travelling is on the cards for you.

Pisces : To get away from your daily tasks you will concentrate on entertainment, fun and rest today. You will feel like a free bird today. In all this also some important task will need your attention today. Ganesha says you feel nice as things around you change.