China’s yuan marks time ahead of Fed meeting


HONG KONG, Sept 18:   China’s yuan held near three-week lows against the dollar on Wednesday as investors waited for the U.S. Federal Reserve to launch an expected  modest

scaling back of stimulus later in the day.

Expectations are that the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will be measured with any cuts to its $85 billion in monthly asset buying, while also seeking to reassure  investors

that the day of actual policy tightening is still distant.


Around midday, the Chinese yuan was changing hands at  6.1216

per dollar, a level it last tested in late August. It is set  for

its biggest weekly decline in a month.

Onshore markets are closed on Thursday and Friday.

But some traders expect that any Fed policy outcome will trigger a weakening bias in the renminbi, which has been the sole gainer in the Asian currency space so far this year  helped

by relatively strong economic data in July and August.

But with the Chinese currency trading at record highs against a trade-weighted basket of currencies, any further  sharp

gains may be hard won. Chart: http://link.Reuters.Com/ryx62v

‘The most likely scenario is for dollar/yuan to stay  flat,’

Deutsche Bank strategists said in a note. ‘In the medium term for CNY to resume appreciation, the external sector needs to recover more decisively.’

But that hasn’t stopped some traders from punting on more currency gains in the offshore yuan market in Hong Kong where the gap between the ‘CNH’ as it is known and onshore spot has widened considerably this week.

Fueling the appreciation bets is the likely month-end  details of the unveiling of Shanghai’s free trade zone by authorities. The move has been widely touted as a testbed for full yuan convertibility.

Changes in the way the central bank is managing the  yuan’s

exchange rate in recent days has also sparked speculation that a

new wave of reforms is on the anvil.     The onshore spot yuan market at a glance:

Item                       Current   Previous  Change

PBOC midpoint              6.1557    6.1571    0.02%

Spot yuan                  6.1214    6.1215    0.00%

Divergence from midpoint*  -0.56%

Spot change ytd                                1.78%

Spot change since 2005 revaluation             35.21%

*Divergence of the dollar/yuan exchange rate. Negative  number

indicates that spot yuan is trading stronger than the  midpoint.

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) allows the exchange rate to rise or fall 1 percent from official midpoint rate it sets  each



The offshore yuan market at a glance:

Instrument                   Current   Difference from  onshore

Offshore spot yuan           6.1113    0.17%

Offshore non-deliverable     6.2058    -0.81%


*Premium for offshore spot over onshore  **Figure reflects difference from PBOC’s official midpoint, since non-deliverable forwards are settled against the  midpoint.
