Book that impresses

Pratibha Sharma

Name of the Book Golden Harvest–An
Authors Syed Zeeshan Fazil
Publisher Syed Irfan Fazil, Fazil Memorial
Trust, Srinagar.
Year of Publication 2013
Pages 150
Price Rs 300
The author of the book titled “Golden Harvest” an autobiography recently superannuated as Director, Doorshan Kendra, Ranchi in Jharkhand State and is considered an expert in television production craft. Hailing from Srinagar, Syed Zeeshan is son of popular poet Fazil Kashmiri. He remained associated with the Doordarshan Kendra, Srinagar and served in different DDKs at Jalender, Mumbai, in Central Producation Centre, New Delhi as well as had a short stint at Mandi House.
Born on April 19, 1952 at Dab Tal, Aali Kadal, Srinagar he received his education in the valley and also did M.A. in Political Science from Kashmir University. His father Fazil Kashmiri was a leading poet and this literary family ignited spark of creative faculty and he got involved with the Radio from the student age and later got opportunity to be associated with DDK Srinagar, which was started in 1973. Later, Syed Zeeshan Fazil started his carrier with T. V. Station, Srinagar, with deep interest in this medium of communication.
During his early life, he produced some innovative and interesting programmes in Kashmiri and Hindustani which gradually got popularity. After selection by the Information and Broadcasting Ministry, Mr Syed Zeeshan got a professional traning technique and production at the prestigious Indian Institute of Films and Television Institute at Pune Due to his deep interest and professional skill, he along with his team produced some of the notable documentaries. Mr Fazil, had wide contacts and luck also favoured him when he was selected for an advanced professional training in Germany.
This 150-page book at the outset begins with the description of immense, natural beauty of the Kashmir valley and the rich literary and cultural heritage .The book makes an absorbing reading makes the readers go through it one go. Mr Fazil must have kept voluminous notes about his doings and kept a record of the environ as well as the knowledge about the television professional matters. It is evident from his writings that wherever he got his postings be it in Kashmir, Punjab, Mumbai, New Delhi or Raipur in Uttrakhand, he has given a graphic detail of the geographical, social and cultural features of the place-making his autobiography informative. He had a wide network of friends, admirers as also a lot many foes.
As head of the “Kashir Channel” and in charge of Central Production Centre (CPC), DDK, Srinagar, Mumbai and Raipur his professional craftsmanship was displayed well and he carved out a niche for himself. As the luck smiled on him, he gained much fame and fortune which prompted him to give a title to his book as the “Golden Harvest”. Incidentally, he had to face the hard realities of life and go through a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) case against him which went on for quite some time but he was ultimately cleared of all charges by the court.
This television broadcaster has inherited literary heritage of his father Fazil Kashmiri and written few books as well including “The Focus”. He has set up Fazil Memorial Trust to commemorate Fazil Kashmiri, a very popular poet.
Autobiography is a very interesting and instructive mode of literature. The high quality of autobiography is that the author tells the true story without any fear or self-praise and the classic example of this genre is: ” My Experiment With Truth” by Mahatma Gandhi which is true portrayal of his simple but illustrious life of a saintly freedom fighter. It is very rare that former bureaucrat, technocrat or politician pen down their memoirs for the posterity. Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah in his “Aathish-e-Chinar” has vividly depicted the complete picture of J&K State of his times. More politicians, administrators and leading literary figures should also attempt to sketch their own life for delivering message of struggle, moral values and humanity.
This printed book has a number of coloured photographs which add to the get-up of this publication. Another feature is the inclusion of a number of letters including one from Sonia Gandhi, famous Urdu poets: F. Sheheyar, Mazhar Imam; S.M.H. Burney.
“Golden Harvest” by Syed Zeeshan Fazil will be read by media professionals, academicians, administrators and a commoncitizens and find it both interesting and instructive. It is a good book to be kept in personal library.
(Starline Syndicate Service)