Benefits of green tea

Dr Milan Singh Chauhan
Tea was used as a drink as far back as 500,000 yrs ago. India and China were probably among the first countries to cultivate tea, it’s the most widely consumed beverage in the world second to water. The global consumption of tea is about 3 billions kg annually.
Tea is consumed in different forms namely Green tea, black tea and oolong tea. All teas originate from the same shrubs called Camellia Sinensis. What sets them apart is the way they are processed, which makes all the difference to the colour and flavor. Green tea is lightly steamed or roasted than dried so as to maintain its colour and active compound. Unlike traditional black tea, green tea leaves are not fermented.
On heart : There have been a series of animal studies highlighting the heart friendly activity of green tea. It slows the build up of artery clogging plaque.
In the normal animals, green tea also caused some improvement in the LDLHDL cholesterol ratio, triglycerides nd fibrinogen. All blood indicators of heart disease.
A few human studies have also yielded similar results. Compounds other than EGCG in green tea have been found to be heart protective as well e.g. an amino acid called Thiamine which helps reduce blood pressure. Thiamine also increases GABA a brain chemical that has a calming effect.
Obesity –
EGCG in green tea has been shown to increase the metabolic rate. According to study the resting metabolic rate or the rate at which you burn fat when you crash out on the couch was increased by 4% and 90 mg of green tea extract was consumed three times a day. Scientists believe that EGCG could probably bring about weight loss by three mechanisms increasing metabolic rate, preventing the digestion of carbohydrates and reducing the appetite.
The Japanese custom of drinking Green tea, before, during and after a high carbohydrate meal has finally found a new scientific meaning.
Eyes and Skin-
The age related eye problems of Cataract and Macular Dgenration are also a result of free radicals damage. This effect is accelerated further in diabets. Green tea antioxidants could help offset these effects by their antioxidant action and thus prevent or delay the formation of Cataract. New studies suggest that green tea may protect your skin against damage caused by UV rays.
Green tea counters bad breath better than mint, parsley or chewing gum. Futhermost EGCG has been shown to reduce, plaque formation. So have a cup after dinner or dessert to keep the plaque forming bacteria from eating into your pearls.
EGCG and Cancer
Several human and animal studies suggest that green tea Catechins possess significant antitumor properties and demonstrated inhibitory effects against tumors formation and growth. A Japanese study of 8522 people over 40 yrs of age, showed a definitive association between green tea consumption and cancer incidence, especially among females drinking more than 10 cups a day. People who drank more green tea were less likely to develop tumors. Emerging animal and clinical studies suggest that EGCG could play an important role in the prevention of many types of cancers including Breast, Skin, Lung, stomach, prostate, ovarian and colon cancers. In times to come, it may be possible that Green tea will be used as an adjustment in the treatment of cancer.
6. Aging and Logevity-
Green tea may delay aging by its strong antioxidant action, preventing the accumulation of free radicals and the resultant damage to the DNA over time. It may also boost immunity with its stimulating effect on the immune system. This in turn helps the body to fight infections better as one grows old. Enhanced immunity also keeps minor illness at bay. Green tea can help protect your joints and controls arthritis in two ways- by reducing inflammation and by protecting against cartilage breakdown. It can even help improve joint mobility.
The Making of green tea-
Add one teaspoon per cup, infuse for 60-90 sec in hot water, filter the entire content into cup, Add lemon or honey to taste.