JU Alumni Association launches Global Mentoring Programme

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 2: University of Jammu Alumni Association (UJAA) today launched its Global Mentoring Programme (GMP) with an objective to connect with the international alumni of University of Jammu.
Dr Amita Fotedar, Ph D, an international Alumni of Department of Environmental Science, JU, who is presently working with Ministry for Primary Industries, Government of New Zealand interacted with various stakeholders on the theme “Environmental Concerns : Global Opportunities and Challenges”.
Prof Umesh Rai, Vice-Chancellor, JU and Patron, UJAA, in his address, said that University of Jammu is proud of its alumni who have made significant contributions across a diverse spectrum of professional and public life both at the national and international level. He invited the alumni of the University to proactively come forward, share ideas, create endowments, and partner with the University in various academic pursuits.
While speaking on the theme, Dr Amita Fotedar discussed in detail about the global career landscape in the area of environmental science. She urged upon the students to think beyond traditional careers, as Governments and multinational corporate are now thinking of building sustainable entities.
Prof Naresh Padha, Dean Academic Affairs, JU, said that alumni of University of Jammu should create a vibrant association which is self sustaining in its initiatives in the long run.
Prof Seema Langar, Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences JU, said that blending practical exposure along with academic component is critical for the growth of the students. She urged upon the students to leverage such opportunities to network with JU international alumni.
Prof Prakash C Antahal, Dean Students Welfare, JU and President UJAA, briefed about the objectives of GMP and informed that a series of lectures are planned under this theme.
Prof Piyush Malaviya, Head, Department of Environmental Science, JU, urged students & scholars to have global vision while planning their careers. Dr Anil Gupta, Associate Dean (SW) and Secretary, UJAA conducted proceedings of the event and also presented the formal vote of thanks. Among other present, included Prof Anil K Raina, Prof Vinay Chauhan, Dr Garima Gupta, Dr Ginny Dogra, . Ajay Wali, Dr Deepika Slathia, Dr Rakesh Atri and Dr Hema Gandotra.