Bhim Singh urges Centre to procecute Omar Abdullah

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 1: Prof Bhim Singh, chief patron of National Panthers Party and member of National Integration Council, has urged the Union Home Minister and the Prime Minister of India to act fast to ensure that the security of the State is kept intact and integrity of India is maintained.
In a statement he pointed out that Omar Abdullah has become a security risk for the country which is evident from the latest declaration of the J&K Chief Minister that State never merged with the Indian Union and therefore he claims that J&K is not integral part of India.
This statement, Prof Singh said, is violation of his oath of allegiance he has taken to defend, uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India.
Omar Abdullah’s statement infringed Section 3 of the Constitution of J&K read with Article 1 of the Constitution of India as Section 3 of J&K Constitution mandates that J&K is and shall remain an integral part of India. Article 1 of the Constitution of India defines the territorial sovereignty of India which includes entire State of J&K as it existed under the rule of Maharaja Hari Singh in 1947 when J&K was invaded by forces from Pakistan side.
The Panthers Party Supremo accused Omar Abdullah of launching malicious propaganda and hate speeches against India and the Indian Army for which he deserves to be prosecuted and tried as Pt Jawaharlal Nehru had to do vis-à-vis Sheikh Mohd Abdullah in 1953 though Nehru and Sheikh were great friends. He reminded Dr Manmohan Singh that Nehru had to put Sheikh Abdullah in jail and try him for years for sedition because nation was more important than the personal friendship.
Prof Bhim Singh also lauded the role of the legislators of the JKNPP inside the Legislative Assembly and the Council. They are the gems and pride of the coming generations and deserve congrats from all.