Govt open for dialogue but wouldn’t accept diktats

Neeraj Rohmetra
Jammu, Oct 2: Even as State Government has shown determination to crush employees’ agitation with a heavy hand, it has still not closed the door for negotiations and is willing to hold discussion on all issues confronting the employees.
These assurances have been given by the Cabinet Sub-Committee, comprising senior Ministers, who have been given the mandate by the State Government to sort out all issues being raised by the agitating employees.
The CSC members include Minister of Finance, Abdul Rahim Rather, Minister of Rural Development, Ali Mohammad Sagar, Minister of Medical Education, Taj Mohi-ud-Din, Minister of Irrigation Sham Lal Sharma and Minister for Planning Ajay Sadhotra.  Referring to Government employees as partners in running the State, all the Ministers unanimously stated, “while we are willing to address all genuine grievances of employees, they shouldn’t try to dictate terms to the Government. The employees’ leaders for their interest shouldn’t mislead the innocent incumbents and instead act as facilitators to resolve the impending crisis”.
“We had almost reached an agreement with the employees and conceded their demand pertaining to regularization of daily wagers and contractual employees. On the other two issue regarding removal of pay anomalies and enhancement of retirement age from 58 to 60, the Government had given clear assurances that the issues shall be sorted out by December end this year”, said the CSC members adding, “the Government is serious in its endeavour to resolve all outstanding issue, but we fail to understand why the employee leaders are in a hurry”.
Sources confirmed, “an important factor that had led to stand-off between the Government and employees was that some leaders in the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC), which has been spearheading the agitation were on verge of retirement and hence wanted immediate action on the enhancement of retirement age”.
Rural Development Minister, Ali Mohammad Sagar talking to EXCELSIOR said, “we had threadbare discussion with employees leaders and are keen to resolve all outstanding issues. We had frank discussion with the employee leadership and conceded most of their demands, while making them aware of time constraints on some issues”, adding, “surprisingly, there was volte-face next day and the employee’s leaders announced an agitation calendars”.
“While we are willing to resolve all issues confronting the employees at any stage, but their leaders shouldn’t behave like autocrats.  We can’t remain mute spectator to any move aimed to disrupt the functioning of the Government and shall sternly deal with forces, who are bent upon to tarnish our image”, he added.
Mr Sagar said, “most of the employees across the State have reported to their respective offices and their leaders now stand exposed. Chief Secretary has also been monitoring the situation on regular basis and we have successfully scuttled all effort to sabotage the Government functioning”.
Echoing similar view, Minister for Medical Education, Taj Mohi-ud-Din said, “the Government was never interested in confrontation and was keen to resolve all issues amicably. All the issues in fact had been resolved and only on the issue of the enhancement of retirement age, the Government had asked the employee leadership to give some time”, adding, “but, next day they chose to announce their agitation”.
“We haven’t closed our doors and are still open to negotiations on all issues. But, the employee leaders shouldn’t try to dictate terms, else the Government shall be compelled to deal all such effort with iron hand”, said the Minister.
Minister of PHE and Irrigation, Sham Lal Sharma when contacted, said, “the Government doesn’t want any confrontation with the employees and was keen to resolve all matters.  The employees should also understand the constraints of the Government and shun the path of agitation as it shall do no good to anyone”, adding, “we are committed to the welfare of employees, but they also need to reciprocate in similar manner”.
Minister for Planning, Ajay Sadhotra, who is also a member of the CSC said, “Government has no intention of having confrontation with employees, but has been compelled to take a harsh stand on the matter. We had threadbare discussion with employees on the issue of regularization of daily wagers and contractual employees, resolution of pay anomalies and even on the matter regarding enhancement of retirement age”.
“We haven’t closed our doors for talks and are open to dialogue at any level”, he said exuding confidence.