Major business cases before the US Supreme Court

UNDATED, Oct 4:  The US Supreme Court begins its new term on Monday with oral arguments on a fresh set of cases. Among them are a number of cases of special interest to the business community. Despite the current federal government shutdown, the court is scheduled to function normally until at least October 11, the court said on Thursday.
Cases of note include (with oral argument date, if set):

* DaimlerChrysler AG v. Bauman: On whether a lawsuit can proceed against Daimler AG over allegations the company was guilty of human rights violations against workers at a plant in Argentina in the 1970s (October 15).
* Mississippi ex rel. Hood v. AU Optronics: A dispute between states and electronics manufacturers, including AU Optronics Corp, LG Display Co Ltd and LG Electronics Inc, over whether restitution claims based on alleged price-fixing in the market for liquid crystal display panels should be heard in state or federal court (Nov.6).
* Mount Holly v. Mount Holly Gardens Citizens in Action: A case watched closely by lenders and insurance companies on whether the Fair Housing Act, a law that prohibits race discrimination in the sale or rental of housing, allows for claims based on seemingly neutral practices that have a discriminatory effect (December 4).
* Environmental Protection Agency v EME Homer City Generation and American Lung Association v EME Homer City Generation: A case in which utilities, including American Electric Power Co Inc and Entergy Corp have challenged whether the US Environmental Protection Agency overstepped its authority when it issued a rule regulating air pollution that crosses state lines (December 10).
* National Labor Relations Board v Noel Canning Corp: On whether appointments President Barack Obama made to the National Labor Relations Board were constitutional.  (agencies)